Watch the NASA Dart Space Probe Impact ...LIVE


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
It is Monday, September 26th at around 6:00 PM EST...and in around 78 Minutes from NOW... the DART Asteroid Projectile Probe will IMPACT against the Asteroid DIMORPHOS at around 10 Times the Speed of a Rifle Bullet... For the purpose of Testing the possibility of re-directing an Asteroid threatening Earth to a slightly different vector... just enough to miss our Planet and NOT become an Earth Killer!




Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I did try to contact him in a PM, which usually sends a notification email, but heard nothing back. Note that was the around the time of hurricane Ian.
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Original poster
Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
My sincere Thanks to all of Our GMT Nation Folks who were checking up on me over the last three months. But I’ve had some very serious problems with both of my hands when dealing with a combination of “Trigger Fingers” and “Dupuytren's Contracture” aka "The Viking's Disease" that set in with a vengeance and required progressively more serious medical interventions. This WIKI tells the tale of this dreadful problem that gets progressively worse over time.'s_contracture

Once it grabs hold of the Finger Tendons inside and underneath your Palms and Finger, it forms Collagen Nodes and Cords that gradually knit themselves and contract around the Tendons and “guides” or pulley-like structures ...and then Draws them in Tighter than the Ropes Wrapped around the Captain’s Doomed Daughter on the Ship Mast in Poem “The Wreck of the Hesperus” .
This Damned Thing can manage to cripple us all; mostly Men with Far Northern European Ancestry. Folks of African and Oriental descent should NOT have to worry about getting this illness as illustrated in these images:'s+contracture&atb=v346-1&iax=images&ia=images

My father was born in Kvinesdal, Norway, so his Nordic Heritage and mine genetically lands ME along with nearly one third of the entire Scandinavian Male Population around the world, right smack dab in the center of all those who will eventually suffer with this disease. Just know that once it takes hold, it will ruin practically every single endeavor you can think of that requires using your hands for all things; from the most delicate to those requiring great hand strength for performing hard manual labor. Probably the most difficult issue with me right now is knowing that that I must heal up a whole lot more in order to be able to use my all of my Hand Tools again.

If you have similar symptoms, please read the linked WIKI and Don’t Wait Too Long to seek out a decent, skilled Hand Surgeon and if possible. In lieu of Open Palm Hand Surgery (Aponeurotomy) opt instead to get the “Collagenase from Clostridium Histolyticum” Enzyme Extract Shots placed directly into the Nodes and Cords arrayed around the Palms of your hands. This stuff literally eats away at the Collagen Bonds and breaks it all down very quickly:

Clostridium Histolyticum WIKI:

In my case, my first hurdle was having to deal with the added and extremely painful “Trigger Fingers” problem that forced me to wear splice bracing and being unable to do things even as simple as using a Keyboard and Mouse… or as basic as reaching inside my pockets for my Car Keys. I’ve endured multiple Lidocaine - ACTH Cortical-Steroid Injections now and have had excellent follow up care and Physical Therapy allowing me to gradually make progress. I may not be able to “Beat” this Disease… But I’m trying very hard to “Beat it Back”.

There is No Cure for this Progressive Illness… But if you find yourself in this situation and you have the option to get the Shots of the CCH Treatment as path that will work, then avoid having that radical Open Palm Surgery. If you can… Take THAT Injections route first... because it can be repeated if the disabling collagen returns and builds itself back inside your palms and PIP Finger Joints. Once they operate on your palms and Joints with Aponeurotomy, your chances for repeat surgeries with success greatly diminish. There are plenty of YouTube Videos showing exactly how these Injection Treatments (and Open Palm Surgeries) are applied.

So to Close…

Here’s a Gentle “High Five” to all who were looking out for me in the recent past… :>)

I'm pushing 74 now.... But I'll be around here from time to time... for as long as Grass is Green and Skies are Blue... In Spirit... if and when I eventually have to take that Long Dirt Nap ;>)

Watson..., Rumors of my Death… Have Been GREATLY Exaggerated…” Sherlock Holmes


Jan 26, 2013

Good to hear your not taking that long nap you mentioned. A short afternoon nap is fine though. I hope the doctors can keep “Dupuytren's Contracture” aka "The Viking's Disease" at bay for you along with allowing the hand to function properly.

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Good to hear from you, relatively safe and sound. Because your disappearance coincided with Ian, we were fearing the worst.

If your ability to type is affected, may I suggest short posts? :biggrin:


May 5, 2022
My sincere Thanks to all of Our GMT Nation Folks who were checking up on me over the last three months. But I’ve had some very serious problems with both of my hands when dealing with a combination of “Trigger Fingers” and “Dupuytren's Contracture” aka "The Viking's Disease" that set in with a vengeance and required progressively more serious medical interventions. This WIKI tells the tale of this dreadful problem that gets progressively worse over time.'s_contracture

Once it grabs hold of the Finger Tendons inside and underneath your Palms and Finger, it forms Collagen Nodes and Cords that gradually knit themselves and contract around the Tendons and “guides” or pulley-like structures ...and then Draws them in Tighter than the Ropes Wrapped around the Captain’s Doomed Daughter on the Ship Mast in Poem “The Wreck of the Hesperus” .
This Damned Thing can manage to cripple us all; mostly Men with Far Northern European Ancestry. Folks of African and Oriental descent should NOT have to worry about getting this illness as illustrated in these images:'s+contracture&atb=v346-1&iax=images&ia=images

My father was born in Kvinesdal, Norway, so his Nordic Heritage and mine genetically lands ME along with nearly one third of the entire Scandinavian Male Population around the world, right smack dab in the center of all those who will eventually suffer with this disease. Just know that once it takes hold, it will ruin practically every single endeavor you can think of that requires using your hands for all things; from the most delicate to those requiring great hand strength for performing hard manual labor. Probably the most difficult issue with me right now is knowing that that I must heal up a whole lot more in order to be able to use my all of my Hand Tools again.

If you have similar symptoms, please read the linked WIKI and Don’t Wait Too Long to seek out a decent, skilled Hand Surgeon and if possible. In lieu of Open Palm Hand Surgery (Aponeurotomy) opt instead to get the “Collagenase from Clostridium Histolyticum” Enzyme Extract Shots placed directly into the Nodes and Cords arrayed around the Palms of your hands. This stuff literally eats away at the Collagen Bonds and breaks it all down very quickly:

Clostridium Histolyticum WIKI:

In my case, my first hurdle was having to deal with the added and extremely painful “Trigger Fingers” problem that forced me to wear splice bracing and being unable to do things even as simple as using a Keyboard and Mouse… or as basic as reaching inside my pockets for my Car Keys. I’ve endured multiple Lidocaine - ACTH Cortical-Steroid Injections now and have had excellent follow up care and Physical Therapy allowing me to gradually make progress. I may not be able to “Beat” this Disease… But I’m trying very hard to “Beat it Back”.

There is No Cure for this Progressive Illness… But if you find yourself in this situation and you have the option to get the Shots of the CCH Treatment as path that will work, then avoid having that radical Open Palm Surgery. If you can… Take THAT Injections route first... because it can be repeated if the disabling collagen returns and builds itself back inside your palms and PIP Finger Joints. Once they operate on your palms and Joints with Aponeurotomy, your chances for repeat surgeries with success greatly diminish. There are plenty of YouTube Videos showing exactly how these Injection Treatments (and Open Palm Surgeries) are applied.

So to Close…

Here’s a Gentle “High Five” to all who were looking out for me in the recent past… :>)

I'm pushing 74 now.... But I'll be around here from time to time... for as long as Grass is Green and Skies are Blue... In Spirit... if and when I eventually have to take that Long Dirt Nap ;>)

Watson..., Rumors of my Death… Have Been GREATLY Exaggerated…” Sherlock Holmes
Dear Good & Distinguished Mechanical Virtuoso!!!!

It is quite troubling to read your account of your systemic woes!!! :/

I'm terribly interested to know what you may be in the midst of presently executing as a course of topical application to the integument of your hands, and the nightly upkeep thereupon.

Are you familiar with the microbiological review concerning and directly relative to the
emollient effects of continuously & topically applied castor oil?

Are you presently consuming raw, fresh turmeric root on the daily, or it's juice?

Have you ever been visited by the specific consideration over the specific aspect of protease
modulation in the dietary microbiome, and if so, which have you entertained?

I abandoned the majority of the western medical community directly following my consultation and discovery of some supposedly "eminent" sources of expertise in neurosurgical & neurochemical regulation *failing* to render any specific boon of assistance directly relative to the comprehensive recovery and repair of the brain.

Truly, contemporary neurochemistry and the brain/gut interaction in a larger field of "comprehension" seems to be a space in which the tenure of current curriculum has been left wanting -as a matter of principle-.

There has been no greater level of assistance to the effective surface regulation of all the "imbalances" beneath all of the human skin that I've been confronted with than -topical castor oil applied LIBERALLY and EXCESSIVELY- to any and all areas of proximal note. Working from an externalized zone of attention, this specific mode has been - invaluable - in all of my experiences and all of my clientele, from the ages of 17 to the late 70's. Daily, constant, disciplined adherence to the practice produces novel results, and begins to address a basic mechanism of regard in the appendages of the human tree. The gut floral imbalance "takes the cake" as the next step, starting in the eradication of ****any, every, and all**** form of refined sugar, and then moving onward in the omission of specific fats from the digestive normalcy.

I salute your efforts, your work, and your legacy seen here in this forum.
&Wishing You Best Of Health This Season&
All The Seasons To Come


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