so who still uses the old site?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Jman423 said:
... something stupid that some "full of himself" knucklehead made up to project the illusion that they are the king-shit of turd town.....
Thx for the idea. Some jokes just write themselves.



Dec 6, 2011
Aarkon said:
Wow didn't see that coming
The_Roadie said:
New member stats over the last week:

Trailvoy 27. GMTN 30.

Suck it Vertical Scope.
I'm a little behind since I haven't been able to log in for a week.

I think the key thing here is there are 30 people now able to get real help and learn more about their vehicles. At the OS there are 27 more lost souls.
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
On tapatalk, if I go to the side menu and go to people, is that showing everyone that's online? Because long into Thursday night/Friday morning the "guests" never went below 20+ and members was 5+ all night and it told what they were viewing.


Nov 18, 2011
blazinlow89 said:
Im a noob at a lot of stuff. However I have no issues jumping into something with a bit of guidance, you know this first hand after the alarm/RS that you helped me with. Being mechanically inclined is a huge advantage, a bit of self confidence helps as well. I have seen the horror stories that turn a simple job into a nightmare, however they always seem to get either solutions, or at least guidance to get back on track.
Yeah, and that's why I think some people like the "personalized reassurance" that they can handle what they are trying to do. It took me a while to realize that even if someone reads 100 threads and saw a youtube video, a "live" answer goes a long way to help them get a bit of confidence. Also, having someone double check that what they want to do is correct helps as well.

Robbabob said:
ummmm, I see a joke in this... but i think only Mounce understood my comment. Well, I know he did and I'll just keep it at that; gold star hilarious! :raspberry: :crackup: :celebrate:
Yeah it went way over my head. :redface:

Blckshdw said:
I can see things definitely getting (more) interesting over there.
I think so too.

blazinlow89 said:
It is more than just the ads on the side banners. When they start putting ads in the threads, or even in the thread list as something posted by a member it gets ridiculous. Ads play only a small part in the issues, however the implementation and types of ads are an issue.
Remember the Jaguar banner that would freeze the page(s) from loading and drove everyone nuts?

Peep out the site with IE and no adblock at your own risk.
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Dec 10, 2012
Mounce said:
Lol , I still get banners when I'm signed in.
I think there is conflicting descriptions. Banners in the upper right are different than ads between posts in a thread. Sign out and find a thread of interest, click and read through it. Compare that experience with being signed in. For me, just being signed in blocks a ton of stuff; it should be consistent for all.


May 6, 2014
Robbabob said:
I think there is conflicting descriptions. Banners in the upper right are different than ads between posts in a thread. Sign out and find a thread of interest, click and read through it. Compare that experience with being signed in. For me, just being signed in blocks a ton of stuff; it should be consistent for all.
Consistent for all? you mean the same experience for both guests and members? Isn't the idea to give people an incentive to sign up? If the experience was the same for both, that incentive would be removed. Don't most forums work the same way.. you can see less adds if you sign in? Makes sense to me - Typical greedy business model.


Dec 10, 2012
TimRXUV777 said:
Consistent for all?
for each member/person, not the same experience whether signed in or not... if signed in, you should see less ads... as a visitor, see more pop ups. Mounce mentioned a different experience, but I think it was apples and oranges in the descriptions. You and I are on the same page.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
TimRXUV777 said:
Consistent for all? you mean the same experience for both guests and members? Isn't the idea to give people an incentive to sign up? If the experience was the same for both, that incentive would be removed. Don't most forums work the same way.. you can see less adds if you sign in? Makes sense to me - Typical greedy business model.
Vertical Scope depends on traffic numbers to sell ads. I don't think they care if it's members or guests, and they have no incentive to reduce the ads for registered members on a site like trailvoy where members don't post much.

Heck, the daily new post count back there seems to be 20-30 max. Here a slow day is 300. Talk about disparity.


Dec 30, 2013
I thought the premium account was supposed to reduce the amount of ads seen. What if there's a software issue where that feature is "bleeding over" into regular members? I mean, look how old their forum platform is...


Jan 25, 2012
IllogicTC said:
I thought the premium account was supposed to reduce the amount of ads seen. What if there's a software issue where that feature is "bleeding over" into regular members? I mean, look how old their forum platform is...
Thats another thing, they are running outdated VB with no recent updates.


Mar 24, 2014
United States
IllogicTC said:
I thought the premium account was supposed to reduce the amount of ads seen. What if there's a software issue where that feature is "bleeding over" into regular members? I mean, look how old their forum platform is...
Display of ads is not a software issue, it's a lack of operational maintenance by their administration and support team. The only thing that lets some members see ads while others don't is a line of code called a conditional statement around the code that makes the ad display. If that's messed up, VS is to blame, not the software. Before we left, they were so busy adding components to track data and display ads that we were surprised the site would even load anymore.

blazinlow89 said:
Thats another thing, they are running outdated VB with no recent updates.
Updates = Work

'nuff said


Dec 30, 2013
Jman423 said:
Display of ads is not a software issue, it's a lack of operational maintenance by their administration and support team. The only thing that lets some members see ads while others don't is a line of code called a conditional statement around the code that makes the ad display. If that's messed up, VS is to blame, not the software.
So, it's not the forum software. It's VS's software snippets. Which is funny, because they're incidentally screwing themselves out of their precious revenue aren't they?
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Poor trailvoy member, getting idiotic advice from loverotties. His track record is almost perfect - for being wrong.

driver side brake light on trailer doesn't work
Here is my issue, all the lights on the trailer work except for the drivers side brake light. The passenger side brake light works, BOTH directionals work, and all the running lights work. I read in a previous post to check fuse #50 and #51 under the hood. Both of those are fine. I also checked any other fuse that seemed to have to do with the trailer lights, and they all seemed fine.
Any help would be much appreciated.

TrailVoy Alumni
2002 Chevy TrailBlazer LTZ
Majestic Red Metallic 4.2L I6 4X4
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: N.Central N.J.
Posts: 2,660
I would jump the left brake light circuit over to the other side and see if it works,that will tell you if it's somewhere in the trailer wires if it doesn't light up or if it lights up it's somewhere from the connector back.

Of course, if the directional light works on both sides of the trailer, that proves the lamp is OK because they share the same filament. If the brake light works on ONE side, then that proves the flasher module is getting the brake signal from the pedal. The problem is clearly in the flasher module where the signals are combined.

Somebody go invite the poor guy over here and save the rest of his day?


Nov 18, 2011
Lot of weird stuff over there lately. Another wave of 3-4 year old accounts making their first post recently. New members bypassing the location/vehicle profile fields of the registration process and making senseless posts. Fishy fishy.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
I smell the work of the Head Hemorrhoid, TrailblazrI6 or whatever his new stealth user name is.

Unless VS continued to shrink the powers of the green forum mods and they have no ability to do anything to members except ban them, just report to their masters in Toronto that "something needs doin'".

That might explain why so many thinly-disguised recruiting posts aren't being molested anymore.


Nov 18, 2011
The_Roadie said:
I smell the work of the Head Hemorrhoid, TrailblazrI6 or whatever his new stealth user name is.
Oh no, not that guy again. You'd think that after trailvoy defibrillation v1.0 blew up in his face that he'd just let it go.

For anyone just joining this thread, that guy and his nooberator gooferator buddy were creating new user accounts and then answering their own tech questions (with amazing accuracy) to help boost their rep. They got called on it, and went on a deleting spree.


Dec 30, 2013
The_Roadie said:
Poor trailvoy member, getting idiotic advice from loverotties. His track record is almost perfect - for being wrong.

driver side brake light on trailer doesn't work
Here is my issue, all the lights on the trailer work except for the drivers side brake light. The passenger side brake light works, BOTH directionals work, and all the running lights work. I read in a previous post to check fuse #50 and #51 under the hood. Both of those are fine. I also checked any other fuse that seemed to have to do with the trailer lights, and they all seemed fine.
Any help would be much appreciated.

TrailVoy Alumni
2002 Chevy TrailBlazer LTZ
Majestic Red Metallic 4.2L I6 4X4
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: N.Central N.J.
Posts: 2,660
I would jump the left brake light circuit over to the other side and see if it works,that will tell you if it's somewhere in the trailer wires if it doesn't light up or if it lights up it's somewhere from the connector back.

Of course, if the directional light works on both sides of the trailer, that proves the lamp is OK because they share the same filament. If the brake light works on ONE side, then that proves the flasher module is getting the brake signal from the pedal. The problem is clearly in the flasher module where the signals are combined.

Somebody go invite the poor guy over here and save the rest of his day?
Someone got him over here.

I'm already working on helping him as much as I can but I'm not sure if I'm 100% in the right direction with it.
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Nov 18, 2011
IllogicTC said:
I'm already working on helping him as much as I can but I'm not sure if I'm 100% in the right direction with it.
You're on the right track boss. I threw up a pic for him to test the L brake/turn output.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas


Dec 30, 2013
djthumper said:
Me either, I was thinking a grounding issue but the problem is at the truck, so it could be a wiring issue further up the line...
I call flash module now that I think of it. It controls the trailer brake lamps, if the right side is getting a stop signal and the left side is getting a flash signal, it sounds like the logic to output the brake signal to the left side is kaput. The one wire is as he describes, does both functions for the high-intensity filament.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
OMG, they have a new Admin over there (Danniella) who actually POSTED something in her five minutes a day. Begging for donations, so they actually have a paying member this quarter. Somebody should PM the poor sucker to make sure he demands the sticker package they still promise and cannot possibly deliver.

Upon Googling, she doesn't seem so new. They announced her odious presence on after they were Borged last October.


Nov 18, 2011
Our Community Support team consists of 5 members.

Danniella M - You will find her playing solitaire.
Marco D - You will find him playing minesweeper.
Alan S and Cayne G - Are our tech guys. You will see them playing spider solitaire and giving each other high fives when either of them gets over 1200 points.
Helena B - Our manager. She works with Mahjong Titans because she gets the vista computer. It's a seniority thing.

Sounds like an awesome roster.
So which one assists with real technical questions like how to test fuel pump wiring?
Which one will take pictures and show DIY diagnostic procedures of codes for the ETC system?
Which one will grab hard to find parts from a salvage yard and offer them to the community for no profit?

The answer is none of them. Just a bunch of corporate clowns making money off of volunteers.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
MAY03LT said:
So which one assists with real technical questions like how to test fuel pump wiring?
Which one will take pictures and show DIY diagnostic procedures of codes for the ETC system?
Which one will grab hard to find parts from a salvage yard and offer them to the community for no profit?
Ummmmm, their partner-in-uselessness: GM Customer Svc, the media flack?


Mar 24, 2014
United States
The_Roadie said:
Some really, really fresh advertising information and stats (last updated 2009) on this page:

All lies now. All lies.
Everything you see on that page was originally written by Tommy about 10 years ago, and what you see on that page now was updated last BY ME for Ralph when he owned the site. I updated the stats in those paragraphs and I took those graph screenshots.


Apr 3, 2013
He must have a money tree in his yard. Wanting to put in a new motor, tranny, forced induction, exhaust, intake, etc on his "car" (Envoy).

I seen someone directed him here, wonder if he is here :undecided:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
dmanns67 said:
He must have a money tree in his yard. Wanting to put in a new motor, tranny, forced induction, exhaust, intake, etc on his "car" (Envoy).
And asking how to reduce the weight to make it go faster.....but he bought an XL.

I seen someone directed him here, wonder if he is here :undecided:
He is in the process of verifying his membership here as we speak. :thumbsup:


Jan 25, 2012
The_Roadie said:
And asking how to reduce the weight to make it go faster.....but he bought an XL.

He is in the process of verifying his membership here as we speak. :thumbsup:

Good to know, I did google the username and a Twiiter, Instagram and Facebook all came up. Looks to be the same guy, has a picture with a black Charger and an Envoy in the driveway. Also seen a post about graduating shortly, not sure if thats HS or college.

Its a nice looking Charger.

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