Quality detailing versus quantity detailing


Original poster
Jan 19, 2012
At DetailedImage.com we regularly post unbiased articles from top quality detailing experts from around the country in our Ask a Pro Blog. The latest article is from Ivan from LUSTR Auto Detail in Chicago, IL and he does a great job comparing a quality detailer verse a business focused on quantity. While Ivan focuses personally on quality detailing he does not condemn or really promote either just explains the differences so you can understand the differences. Here is a preview of the article below:

Quality vs. Quantity
Quality over quantity has been my main motto since I got into the business of car detailing roughly 5-6 years ago. It’s something on which I based the mission of LUSTR Auto Detail and something that’s on my mind during every detail job, usually when I have 10 q-tips in hand trying to pull that last bit of dirt from a lug nut hole :smile: . Thus, it’s become second nature explaining to potential clients the difference between LUSTR Auto Detail services and those provided by the local car washes and detail shops. While it must be done and I enjoy the chance to do so, it’s not the simplest thing to explain what I do differently and why high quality detailing work, like most any other service, costs more money.

However, recently I received a phone call from a potential client, who asked me about the difference in such a way that made me appreciate the chance we as quality detailers have to educate the general public about automotive detailing. It reminded me of a great article Todd Cooperider wrote, explaining What is a “Full Detail”, so I wanted to elaborate a bit more and put a bit of a different spin on it. With that comes this article, which is a short but sweet explanation of some main differences we as quality detailers provide to completely isolate ourselves from local shops, car wash places, and dealers, in other words volume-oriented detail shops. While it’s a short and sweet explanation, it’s a lengthy article as I’ve tried to explain some of the main factors in clear detail, no pun intended. One small disclaimer: While all of us Pros on the Detailed Image blog, as well as other quality detailers out there, share many attributes and beliefs in the art of detailing, this article is written representing solely my methods and opinions based on years of experience.

The client mentioned above, who we’ll call Bob for this article, didn’t ask the usual “How much for my car? Hmm that seems way too expensive.” Or “Your reviews are great, but are you able to match the price of X, Y, or Z Detailers?” Or my favorite “Hi, I want to get a full detail, outside polished up and interior done, how much and when can you do it?” On the contrary, Bob was an owner of a gorgeous mid 2000s luxury coupe who did almost all the paint maintenance on his own, which is always a big plus. In other words, he wasn’t someone who typically uses the quick, lower quality, volume shops and didn’t just call me to price shop based on my great online reviews. Rather, since Bob had decided the car needed a professional touch, he was on a mission to take the best possible care of his aging car and was doing thorough research before making any appointments. Bob simply explained to me that he has been searching for a quality detail shop in the Chicagoland area and came across a few businesses with great reviews on Yelp and other similar websites. After looking through my website as well as websites of a couple other detailing businesses in the area, Bob realized that while I provided thorough information as well as services that seemed to be what he was looking for, other shops had great reviews and offered substantially cheaper services. Since he was after quality and not simply price shopping, Bob wanted to figure out what exactly justifies the substantial price difference and if my services are worth it. So he simply asked for me to explain “What exactly warrants the price difference of my services compared to others in the area?” I won’t type out our entire conversation, partly because there’s no way I remember the specifics, but long story short, there are three main factors that I explained to Bob: Customer Service, Products and Techniques, Passion and Experience. If you want to read the rest of our Ask A Pro Blog click here - Quality vs Quantity.

Hope you enjoyed the preview and you'll continue to read it!

Greg @ DI


Original poster
Jan 19, 2012
Thanks! Glad to be here, I hope to help the community with any detailing questions you guys may have.

Greg @ DI


Dec 7, 2011
Dawson creek BC Canada
Oh this is sweet nice to meat you i will be picking your brain when it warms up here because i am planing on doing a complete detailing of my truck bumper to bumper and top to underneath it.


Original poster
Jan 19, 2012
bigytwotone said:
Oh this is sweet nice to meat you i will be picking your brain when it warms up here because i am planing on doing a complete detailing of my truck bumper to bumper and top to underneath it.

I'd be happy to help so don't hesitate to e-mail, PM or post a question.

Greg @ DI

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Dec 7, 2011
Dawson creek BC Canada
Awesome first question what is the best thing to use to fix my leather seats all of them are starting to get wrinkles all over them and what about taking double sided tape off my rooftop?.


Dec 4, 2011
Leather conditioner and double sided stick tape on roof top? What was up there? Goo gone and I use an old credit card and some heat. Hair dryer helps too.


Dec 7, 2011
Dawson creek BC Canada
The tape on the roof was from my sattilite radio tale I was taped to the roof I also had a a cb atenia up there and what tipe of leather conditioner should I use my seats are wrinkling bad.


Dec 2, 2011


Dec 2, 2011

In regards to your seats, I use Leatherique, that I get from Greg. It's a 2 part process but really cleans and then conditions leather. For normal maintenance I use 303 protectant on all the trim and seats.


Original poster
Jan 19, 2012
bigytwotone said:
Awesome first question what is the best thing to use to fix my leather seats all of them are starting to get wrinkles all over them and what about taking double sided tape off my rooftop?.

Unfortunately once the leather wrinkles there is not much you can do for them that will truly restore them. I would just suggest a regular cleaning and conditioning schedule to keep them in great condition going forward. The Leatherique Prestine Clean and Leatherique Rejuvenator Oil are my "go to" combo for most leather and leatherette seats. Check out the Leatherique in action here - http://www.detailedimage.com/Ask-a-Pro/leatherique-leather-care-how-to/.

For double sided tape on the roof a little adhesive remover like the Stoner Tarminator or the 3M version are great. If that doesn't work some mineral spirits certainly should help. Use a soft and clean microfiber towel for the cleaning so you don't scratch the paint up. An old rag or a credit card will certainly leave some ultra fine scratches behind. If you have any residue left over a clay bar and polish will make the area look and feel like new again.

Greg @ DI


Dec 7, 2011
Dawson creek BC Canada
i will remember thows but right now its to cold here to do any of thows and i let a friend use the truck and they left my drivers and passenger side window down all day to day and it snowed so you know what happened well i have taken my mothers blow dryer out and warming it up this is a lot of snow in my truck lol


Jan 27, 2012
what are real prices or what should i and other expect to pay for getting our cars done from just wash wax to the full monty detail what should the prices be for a great job done?


Original poster
Jan 19, 2012
That's the million dollar question, pun intended. In all seriousness it's a really hard question to answer, but good work is not cheap as it takes time and quality products. The biggest difference you'll see with a top quality professional detailer is their ability to polish the paint and remove surface imperfections. This step creates the shine where as sealants and waxes used afterward can only enhance the way the paint already looks. I would estimate a good exterior detail would cost $250 - $600+. Most likely you'll need two coats of polish and again this process takes quite a bit of time to be done right. I would suggest looking for referrals from any place before spending that much though. The regional section here may be a help to you. Good luck!

Greg @ DI

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