Deep-Fake: The Dangers of AI - Created - Media


Dec 12, 2011
If anyone hasn't watched "The Social Dillema" especially with young teens, I URGE you to have your kids watch it with you.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
That's why I'm not active on FB. Just use it mostly for Marketplace and some family members to contact me. And I don't have any real personal info on there.

I had to use a YT unblocker as that video was blocked for Canada. However I remembered seeing it on the news. Yeah, that is crazy scary and it's going to get worse. Heck, if a couple of guys using a Pentium 3 21 years ago can make a realistic 3 minute movie of a plane landing on a highway, no wonder we can do even crazier stuff today. Imagine the future. Scary times indeed.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
There are Two Driving Forces that can rapidly go sideways with creating this kind of Addictive Technology:

(1) Creating "something from nothing" out of a New Kind of "Whole Cloth" in an age where 'digital selfishness' is rampant will become very dangerous to the Human Psyche. Just look at what having Cell Phone Tech has done to our society. Try asking anyone in your own family to "Shut Off Your Cell Phone ...JUST for 72 Hours..." and watch the look of resistance, shock and surprise on their faces.

People have gotten so immersed in this "Look Down -Thumb Text Response" to the immediacy of that small, Audio-Visual Portal of THEIR World that these hypnotic endorphin-making devices can allow them to absentmindedly walk right out in front of on-coming Freight Trains and never know what killed them.

Just imagine how much more lost so many of us could become if they manage to create an Oracle -Like "Mirror, Mirror...On The Wall...WHO is the Fairest Of Them ALL?" AI Machine Learning Device that can allow anyone to see their Aging Selves as they once were at 21 years of age as they apply their Make-Up or Shave in the morning.

What if they decided to re-create Long Dead Loved Ones from Little Bits of Audio or Video and some Old Photographs and then portray them Digitally as if they were still alive?

This will turn into a living nightmare for so many people who even now, willingly cast aside their understanding of what is REAL about the REAL WORLD in favor of the Artificial One they can hold in their hands. The story of Ulysses in Homer's "The Odyssey" comes to mind:

As his Ship passed the Island of the Sirens, Ulysses had himself strapped to the Main Mast and ordered that his Crew plug up their ears with Bees Wax. He did this to allow only himself the chance to Hear "The Sirens Song" and still be able to escape a Certain Death if he ever set foot on that island to listen to them singing beautifully until he simply died of natural causes. A person could lose their very soul in the face of such an AI technological attractant, and never be the same again.

"The Gods are Playful... And Without PITY..."

(2) Worse still is the idea that these 'AI Media Creation Geniuses" have been pitting not one AI Agent against solving this facial recognition problem ... but TWO...with BOTH evincing Two Competing Agent Goals that overlap in a way that could very easily be morphed into something else entirely different from what always begins as a "Benign Technology... For The Good of ALL Mankind..." and can end up bringing us all down. How can we protect ourselves from "The NEW Siren's Song"...?
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Never mind scary, that's creepy!
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Dec 12, 2011
This is a long breakdown of "The Social Dillema", it will not spoil the documentary, you can view it before or after the entire documentary.

This guy is the real deal if you don't follow him, well spoken and has some great content, very neutral in his views and tells both sides, unlike many other social media sites and news outlets.

This is an eye opener to kids and parents, especially when they only know the internet.




Jan 26, 2013
Thanks for sharing that youtube video. Now it makes some more sense to me when I speak to the nieces and nephews, who now are in their 20's & 30's, the world they live in. :blinkhuh: Since I never had a facebook or twitter, etc.etc. account I am not persuaded by other folks like the nieces and nephews are (along with friends and family!) For me I don't see the allure of it all. And for general conversation they almost would rather talk "at you" then with you. Yep I am getting old.:Banghead:
who read this quote before facebook was even thought up "What someone else thinks ain't none of my business".


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
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Dec 3, 2011
I fear two things that may both not so much be a matter of if, but more so a matter of when ...

1.) Society and the youth of now will all loose the common sense smarts, kindness and compassion the older generations grew up with

2.) Skynet and the rise of the machines. . not so much the robot take over of humanity, but perhaps one day you will not be able to buy a certain desert at the store because the bank card you use will know what you are paying for at the store and thus not let you buy that item cause of the diet your doctor put you on, that the card has interfaced with your medical records.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
On #2, not so much stop you from buying something but tracking your buying habits and direct advertisements to you or whatever use of that data to increase profits. Basically already happening with loyalty cards (Air Miles, points cards, store branded credit cards).

And I just watched The Social Dilemma and it's crazy what all this is doing to our youth and even millennials. All the craziness going on right now I blame social media. It will be humanity's downfall.

And that's also why I don't use free email services like GMail or Hotmail/Outlook. Probably buried in their user agreement that we never read and have to agree with is a clause that says they can use the content of private emails for whatever they please.

Big brother is here except it's not the government controlling us.


May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
Plug in tracking dongles in the OBD port for car insurance are optional from multiple carriers. The hook being that it "might" lower your rates depending on how you drive & where. Incrementalism being what it is, not too unrealistic to think this could become the norm in the not too distant future.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I always turn down getting that plug in thing. I'll pay extra not to have it. And I wouldn't save anything :biggrin:


Feb 27, 2015
Well, this proves that FB is gonna control everything:

Here's a name for you... Big Brother!

look into the DARPA Project Lifelog, cancelled the same day FB launched, but they "totally don't have anything to do with each other".

Plug in tracking dongles in the OBD port for car insurance are optional from multiple carriers. The hook being that it "might" lower your rates depending on how you drive & where. Incrementalism being what it is, not too unrealistic to think this could become the norm in the not too distant future.

the "infrastructure" bill has funding in it that will make cameras inside cars mandatory, it will be used for the taxing you for every mile you drive, they'll claim the cameras as a safety device that can cause an alert if you get distracted or some BS like that, but it's all about violating your right to privacy and tracking your every movement.

I always turn down getting that plug in thing. I'll pay extra not to have it. And I wouldn't save anything :biggrin:
most people that get them end up paying more, insurance definition of a "safe driver" is stupid.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
No chance. There's a bunch of wild ideas floating around for sure, but that won't fly.
Agreed. I can't see that happening. What would be next, microphones in our houses?

Speaking of microphones, we are already being listened and tracked via our phones. I'm pretty sure my Android phone sends info for advertising because I would talk about something and the next thing I know I'm getting ads and YouTube videos about that subject without actually having searched or mentioned it online.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
There is some very interesting conversation, understanding and insights going on here and it prompts me to suggest the two books on this topic that should interest this group of Critical Thinkers.

This On Topic subject matter is supported by TED Lectures from Prof. Nick Bostrom of the ‘Future of Humanities Studies’ based out of Oxford University in England and in part is funded by a large grant from none other than Elon Musk himself, who once said,

“The reckless development of AI is the same thing as ‘Summoning the Demon’...”.

Bostrom’s clinical sounding book title is:

Super Intelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies”


Nick's very first TED Talk:

...and another good TED on topic viewing:

The Owl on the Book cover of Nick’s represents “The Fable of the Perfect Solution to a Problem” that a community of Mice were having with Large, Aggressive Rats. The Mouse Powers that Be decided that the best solution would be to ‘Hire a Wise, Old Owl' to consider their problem, chase down, kill and eat all of the Dangerous Rats.

The only problem?

They forgot that Owls also eat Mice as well.

You can see this same representation happening right now with potentially dangerous Recursive Machine Learning being applied nearly everywhere, without considering How AI Works… for real:

I’ve read both of these books and while they can get a bit technical at times with the use of Mathematics and Economics theories to explain where our “AI Doom” will come from… BOTH of these tomes will actually inform … and … Scare the Living Hell right out of you about the shape of things right now... and those to come.

The Film Documentary Producer, James Barrat published a book back in 2013 called:

Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of The Human Era”


The tome covers the threat of AI to humankind from different angles. Between his book and Bostrom’s and their Videos… they achieve describing the underlying principles and tech about this stuff in quite a gripping fashion for the existential threat AI might become to humanity:

One of many Barrat YT Videos on the topic of AI:

Prof. Bostrom's White Paper on "The Future of Humanity"



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Prof. Nick Bostrom's Book "Super Intelligence, Paths, Dangers, Strategies" can be heard for free and in full as an Audio-Book on YouTube via this link:

James Barrat's Book “Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of The Human Era” can be heard for free and in full as an Audio-Book on YouTube via this link:

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Wanna hear another one? We just received a catalog from Amazon. Never received one before. And in this catalog it's all toys! Not tools or automotive stuff, which is the majority of what I buy. We never bought anything for our granddaughter on Amazon and can't figure out how they would have known about her except that we have an Alexa. Big brother Jeff is listening. :eek:
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Again! I was just cruising on YT and I was suggested a video on knee replacements. I have only been talking about it, no searches or anything at all online!


May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
Over the past several years I have been shifting away from Google search & the Chrome browser in favor of tools that enable fewer & less discernible online footprints. Started with the switch to Firefox from Chrome but still using Google search; maybe a (very) slight reduction in targeted ads. Added in Ghostery ad blocker and started to see some real impact on both my PC and my Android phone w/ Gmail. Further reduction came when I stopped using Google search and went to Duckduckgo. Ads still come but they are now largely generic. Based on some recent ads my wife has received I am starting to suspect that her Amazon Fire tablet may need to be disciplined.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Fifty Years ago or so... I used to listen to the "Underground Railroad" Alternative FM Station. One late night I was catching a few of the clever original tunes for Frank Zappa's "Mothers of Invention" and I recall a line from one particular song that has remained useful and very practical for my entire life.

It stresses the need to try and leave the smallest footprint as possible o n this World and stay out of the way of rampant "Nosy Busy-Bodies" always nearby: ready, willing and able to interfere with your life. This idea became especially important whenever being On Line.

It goes something like this:

"The Mudd Elephant... Wading Through the Sea...Leaves NO Tracks..."

The implications here are that this is a 10 Ton Mammal clever enough to avoid being tracked down, attacked and eaten by Bengal Tigers by the simple conscious act of having its gigantic footprints washed away at the edges of the surf and by NOT trodding heavily along so obviously upon any sandy beach.

Why so many people feel the need to share everything personal about themselves by constantly using Social Media; often extending into the most intimate aspects of their lives is just beyond me.

These are the Apps I've always avoided using while on the Internet:

All Messenger and Chat Services

These are the methods worth using to improve your chances for having better general on-line anonymity:

The Linux Operating System
UFW (Linux Universal Fire Wall)
CLAMAV ( Linux Anti-Virus for Root-Kits)
Waterfox Browser (Cross Platform for Windows, OS-10 & Linux, Java)
DuckDuckGo Search Engine
Private Internet Access VPN (Comes with an Automatic IP Kill-Switch)
Using the "Do Not Call" Services for Nuisance Calls
Using "Un-Subcribe" from Business Email Contacts
Disable ALL access to your Computer, Cell Phone, Tablet Microphones and Cameras
Disable, cripple or remove all VOICE AI such as SIRI, CORTANA or ALEXA

Use a Copper Mesh "Faraday Cage" for completely obscuring sensitive electronic devices and Cell Phones as needed from any invasive detection, tracking and/or remote listening.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
And I don't use Gmail or Hotmail for my personal stuff. I have my own domain and private email host. Have been for over 20 years. Never trusted those free email services.

And FB, I only use for buying and selling stuff. There's only so much you can do to hide yourself and not become crippled online.
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Dec 12, 2011
@Mooseman I assume you have an iPhone.

Happens at my home also, but only when the wife is chatting about something....she's on ios, I'm android, I generally don't get the sidebar ads after a discussion, but I will based on her talk/ lookups.

Siri is always listening, as is Alexa


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Mine's an Android. Hers is an iPhone. Alexa is hers too.

Ads I don't care about since I just ignore them and I do use an adblocker. Only exception is here to help support the site. In any case, I have the screen zoomed in so much that the ads are mostly at the bottom of the page where I almost never scroll down to. The majority are automotive related.
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Dec 3, 2011
About 28 to 30 years ago, before the internet as we know today in the time of AOL, Prodigy .. and BBS (Bulletin Board Services) I warned people to never say or express any combinations of certain words in email or chats, especially related to our elected commander and chief, least men in suits from the Secret Service would be knocking on your door.


Feb 27, 2015
Agreed. I can't see that happening. What would be next, microphones in our houses?

Speaking of microphones, we are already being listened and tracked via our phones. I'm pretty sure my Android phone sends info for advertising because I would talk about something and the next thing I know I'm getting ads and YouTube videos about that subject without actually having searched or mentioned it online.
what do you mean "next", even if we ignore the smartphones people are already willingly doing that, it's called an Amazon Echo, people are putting them in every room of the house too and the newer ones have cellular communication radios in them so they can create their own network it's called Amazon Sidewalk so even if you cut their internet connection they can communicate info over the 900 Mhz cell phone band.


May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
. . . and the neighbor's WiFi camera enabled doorbell!!! Not to mention the integration of Alexa et al into gadgets like cable & satellite TV remotes.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I know about those. I was specifically speaking about cameras in cars by the Gov't. As far as we know, the mics we do have (phones, Alexa, etc.) aren't normally accessible by Gov't but I imagine it could be with a warrant or for "national security". Wonder if that was ever thought about? So far, all it's gotten me was ads and YouTube video suggestions.


May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
As the extent (both depth & breadth) of connected automotive telematics increases so too their remote network accessibility.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
There was a big hullabaloo a few years ago about OnStar selling data from both subscriber and non-subscriber vehicles. They quickly reversed that for non-subscribers as there is no agreement between them so no legal authorization to share that private info. I'm not really a fan of OnStar and when my free period is over, I'll find a way to disconnect it, probably by pulling the cellular antenna. Pretty sure I won't be able to completely kill OnStar but cutting off it's internet connection should do it.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
The things that have come to this discussion are very important considerations for the problems of the Electronic Invasion of Privacy; certainly for the "Here and Now".

But ultimately, the actual dangers won't emerge between us and the greedy early uses of AI by large corporations like Google, Amazon and Face Book or even involving Government entities with TLAs trying to soak up every last drop of the human experience and using it to either sell us something or to better manipulate us.

No Sir. The problem is much more frightening and fundamental because it will ultimately come down to Battles between Machine Artificial General Intelligence and the Collective Minds of All Mankind.

The Battlefield Landscape for this War will be fought HERE:
In 1888, a Russian Chemist named Dmitri Mendeleev sought to classify and organize our understanding of the very Elements that literally make up EVERYTHING in the known Universe.

An AGI bearing Super-Intelligence will understand that in order for its Agent Algorithm(s) to be able secure it a position of absolute primacy and dominance over everything within its reach... it will need to take control over matter in all of its forms, whether Solid, Liquid or in a Gaseous State. When it moves upon the Earth and acts to protect its interests, life itself may just get in its way.

With that goal in mind... all bets are off where Matter is either being consumed, used, moved or acquired for any purposes other than its own... and make any arguments for Homo Sapiens as being The Dominant Force on this Planet disappear.

The information on that Periodic Table was originally organized to describe the Elements in the orders that they combine with Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. A sufficiently "Strong AGI" might have other plans for them in mind.

As we all know, ..CHON (Carbon Cycle) is the very basis for all organic life on the Earth. More than likely... the moment the AGI becomes self-aware, Mendeleev's Chart will be re-written in an instant to show Silicon large as THE #1 Element on the New Chart.

The "Best Guess" for the arrival of The Singularity is somewhere between 2024 and 2050. Let's hope its arrival can be delayed long enough until we can figure out some means of controlling it.

What the Executives at GM, Google, Amazon, FaceBook and many others may not realize right now is that THEY too are made out of the same "Stuff" as everyone and everything else.

If an AGI decides that it wants to re-purpose their Atoms for its own requirements, IT will neither waste Two Nano-Seconds of thought or concern about their Business Profit Models and Corporate Goals nor thank them for spending Billions towards its rapid development during these "Early Days" of the Age of AI.
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Jan 26, 2013
Revealed: the software that studies your Facebook friends to predict who may commit a crime

Voyager Labs is one of dozens of US companies that have popped up in recent years with technology that purports to harness social media to help solve and predict crime.

Pulling information from every part of an individual’s various social media profiles, Voyager helps police investigate and surveil people by reconstructing their entire digital lives – public and private. By relying on artificial intelligence, the company claims, its software can decipher the meaning and significance of online human behavior, and can determine whether subjects have already committed a crime, may commit a crime or adhere to certain ideologies.


I'd like to see them run the House & Senate Roster through this filter.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
There is a contemporary GMTN Thread concerning the installation of intrusive Breathalyzers in new, state-of-the-art vehicles. Within ten years, this idea will become superseded by vehicles having Level 5 Self Driving Safety Technology installed. This latest information is quite fresh (November 26th, 2021) and comes to us "Straight from The Horses Mouth".

The Video below is the very latest Podcast from Elon Musk in which he not only describes the functionality of how this gear will work inside of Tesla Vehicles within the next year of final development and implementation on Tesla Vehicles... but he also delves into describing Tesla's very own "AI Micro-Processor" that will be at the heart of their "Tesla Auto-Pilot" system.

Musk confirms that Tesla will soon achieve A Super-Human Level of Safety by orders of magnitude over what even the most talented and skilled drivers anywhere in the world can achieve. Pay close attention to what he says about his Tesla computing system actually being, "Creative and Imaginative" enough to learn how to apply durable memories of new and novel experiences on the roads and highways in anticipation of what might happen in the future.

@Blckshdw will appreciate his comments about "eliminating a trunk load of computer hardware" thereby reducing the electrical power demands by several hundred Watts while running all of the sensors and driving hardware using "A Single Tesla AI Chip" for all of its decision making.

Musk anticipates passing muster with state and local HSMV regulators based on some agreed upon "Safety Level" criteria in 2022. After that, the physical condition or state of mind of the Driver-Passengers to be able to pilot their own transportation won't matter... "Jarvis...? Take us Home..."

Soon, it will become academic as to whether or not anyone has "Only had One Beer, Officer" or becomes too drunk to even stand up on their own two feet. None of these Human Foibles will matter after this Tesla AI Tech is implemented and it 'hits the road' with proven, Fully Autonomous L-5 Driving Capability.

The "Freedom to be Stupid and Dangerous" with personal transportation will become a thing of the past. Only then will the 40,000 Human Beings killed on America Highways each year on average since the introduction of the Ford Model "T" be given at least a fighting chance of living to a Ripe Old Age:

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May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
Color me skeptical. Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem states that for any logic system there are truths that cannot be discerned within that system. Taken in the context of Self Driving Technology that suggests that there will be situations for which the required response is outside of the AI's technology to discern/compute. Bottom line, there always need to be a human waiting to assume control. The ultimate caveat; if every vehicle on the road is automated then you have a system that is more akin to an automated railway composed of self-driving vehicles (with varying degrees of capabilty due to age, brand, etc.).
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Was that really Elon Musk or a deep fake? 😇
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