What are you doing today? [Part II]


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Say @Mooseman ... Give a Hearty Welcome to @waterboy8175 as Brand New Member at GMT Nation from up in Minnesota... And... It's an interesting *KoinKaDink* as it just so happens that HE owns his own Culligan Water Franchise up there. Perhaps he can give you some advice on what just happened with your particular system.

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Dec 2, 2011
Just finished vacuum packing boneless, skinless chicken thighs. We eat a lot of chicken and I have access to Restaurant Deport so I pay $1.23 a pound for a 40lb box.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Say @Mooseman ... Give a Hearty Welcome to @waterboy8175 as Brand New Member at GMT Nation from up in Minnesota... And... It's an interesting *KoinKaDink* as it just so happens that HE owns his own Culligan Water Franchise up there. Perhaps he can give you some advice on what just happened with your particular system.

Found an independent guy locally that knows the water in our area. Not gonna be cheap as I need an actual iron filter. The old one was just a regular softener that had a chemical adder to clean the iron off the resin. And he has a discount going at the moment but this should be my LAST softener. $1500 after discount from $2100. Uses less salt too.

So today I'll be ripping the old one out.


Jan 15, 2012
We eat a lot of chicken and I have access to Restaurant Deport so I pay $1.23 a pound for a 40lb box.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Finally got snow the other day. Spent a few hours on the skid steer cleaning up. But I ensured there was enough time to go check some trails along the Battle River. Also had some ribs going. Couldn't finish them off as well on the gas grill because they just fell apart. Rough life.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Unceremoniously ripped out the old water softener. Scooped out all the salt from the brine tank. Disconnected it from the water lines with the bypass valve left in place, sucked out all the water from the brine and resin tanks (confirmed it had lost 80% of it's resin) and then dragged the whole lot outside.

Unfortunately garbage day was yesterday so I'm stuck.with it for 2 weeks.

I'll be ordering a new one that is also a true iron filter. Not a cheapie box store one neither. PXL_20240107_175932122.jpgPXL_20240107_175950600.jpg


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
After the heavy storms we had earlier in the week, needed to add some flashing to the new roof out back, on Thursday afternoon. Wedged it under the bottom shingle row, considered adding screws at the bottom, but would need to put something under it, due to the raised ridges. We'll see how this holds up, but after last night's rain, no leaking at the top of the roof. :thumbsup:


This morning, moved onto repairing that wall section. Cut out the damaged wood, applied some wood hardener, and packed the remaining voids with wood epoxy putty. Filled in the busted up screw holes in the wall panel with Bondo. Put a piece of packing tape on the outside, to give me some backing to pack the bondo up against.

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Grabbed a couple pieces of decent lumber off the scrap pile, pulled some nails and screws, then cut out some sections to replace the damaged stuff I yanked out.


Took a break to let the putty setup and cure, then used some ties and brackets I had on hand to get some of the pieces locked in. Will have to hit the store and buy a few more brackets, but I mainly wanted to be able to get some more screws into that wall panel, besides just down one side. It would waver in the wind, and the last thing I need is for the rest of the holes to bust out and the panel falls off (and breaks)


Did run into a couple of challenges. A couple pieces of tape didn't stick on completely, and let loose when I pressed the Bondo in, so it pushed through. Will have to cut those worms off. When I first put some screws into the upper horizontal beam, the Bondo gave way much easier than I expected. I would have been better off using the fiberglass reinforced stuff for this. The screws ran right through it and didn't hold the panel, so I had to grab some stainless washers for a better grip.

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I have a handful of tie plates that are taking up space in a box, I may try putting some in my metal break to make brackets :undecided: Save me a trip and a few $$$


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Spending $84355 on my new Rivian.. Plus another $865 at the dentist for a crown. Another $24 at the bakery discount store... Another $120 on dinner..

But I sold my Jacuzzi! So that will be $1250 into the bank. That covers -1- month of a car payment LOL.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Finally got the new water softener installed Had to do some changes to the pipes as this one is taller and the specialist told me to remove the sediment filter I had. I also modified my floor drain with 3" ABS with a T and siliconed it so it won't spill out onto the floor. If it does, I can add some more pipe on top and if I have to, pipe it all the way to the septic tank.


Then called the vendor and he walked me through the setup and checks. All good, or so I thought. Later tonight, I went down for one last check and one of my soldered pipes was leaking a good drip :mad: . Shut everything off, clean up the water, cut out the leaky joint and put in another. I barely had enough pipe remaining from the old pipe coming off another joint. And luckily I had a spare joint. Clean, paste, heat and solder. What doesn't help is this lead free solder needs a lot more heat. No more leak but I left the bucket in place and have a water alarm just in case.

It's nice now to not have yellow water in the toilet before you use it :biggrin:


Dec 2, 2011
Bought and installed a new battery backup sump pump yesterday. The old one had issues and kept blowing the inline fuse. We got lucky with the last power outage that the water made it to 2" below the sump pit before the power came back on.

I can sleep a bit easier knowing that if the power goes out I don't have to worry about the basement again.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Well… Sad to Say that my days of being able to feed the three or four Feral Cats that have been visiting my property over the last few months with the usual demand from the Wife to park a Daily Smorgasbord of a Bowl of Fresh Milk, Two Cans of Turkey Giblets and another Bowl of Friskee’s Kitty Bibbles out in our back yard ...MUST come to an end.

Mind you… NOT because of anything THEY have done… but rather because THESE Friggin Flying Critters showed up yesterday and after helping themselves to the Cat’s Marvelous Daily Spread and spending the night in my Oak Tree while Dumping on “The Lil Woman’s” 2013 Nissan Altima...NOW...................THEY WON’T LEAVE!!!


Besides the problem of receiving a Very Hefty $100,000 Fine and a Year in the Gray-Bar Hotel for only as much as Possession of their FEATHERS… You simply cannot do anything to them...Period. So with only One Week away from having my Miami-Dade Quality Cypress Vinyl Fence installed back there… I don’t want to risk getting the Neighbors and the Authorities all wound up over the presence of Birds that WILL regurgitate the contents of their Crops and Bellies all over them if they ever try to “Shoo Them Away”:

I can’t help but remember and laugh at what Daffy Duck did to that one Winter Turkey Buzzard in THIS Cartoon Snippet… “Whatta Pal…. Whatta Pal…. "Whatta Pal... WHAT A PAL!”

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Heading to my son's place to check one of his baseboard heaters that isn't working. From preliminary checks, sounds like it's the thermostat.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Heading to my son's place to check one of his baseboard heaters that isn't working. From preliminary checks, sounds like it's the thermostat.
Turned out it was the baseboard that was dead. No current for the thermostat display to work. Picked up another another one from Homeless Despot. The original 50 year old one was 60" and 1750W, the replacement is 48" and 1500W. Still plenty for the small dining room area and it's more efficient. Not the neatest install I've ever done because the wall was damaged and it's shorter, leaving unpainted old wall exposed. Eventually I want to replace all the flooring and install heated floors so I can remove all the baseboards. The whole house needs to be renovated.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Not much here on my end. We are at the tail end of our big cold snap. Close to two weeks long. She was brutal I must admit. Ambient only got down to -38c or so but this go around it came with a nasty windchill. Usually at those temperatures you get just a breeze, its cold but not windy. This go around came with decent wind. I can say -50 windchill sucks ass. Plain and simple.

The last two days we hit highs of -20 and my god was that balmy. Today I gave the Traeger a work out with a chicken. Tomorrow the ribs go on amd the sleds come out.

I spent most of today on the computer. My neighboring office has some openings for a lateral job position and a promotion spot as well. Time to get working and get her done.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Trails finally opened yesterday but I was detoured by the baseboard thing. Today, I was finally able to do the maintenance on the sled. Oil change, lube and check over things. Four wheels needed new bearings and one got chewed up. Took her for a one hour ride and all was good in the world. Trails are kinda rough though so we still need more snow. Also tried out my new Oxygen helmet I bought last summer. Very nice, comfy, doesn't fog up, muffles engine noise well and has the greatest peripheral vision of any helmet.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
While looking for a replacement windshield for my current sled, saw that my old sled is back up for sale :frown:



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Productive day today, since it was abnormally warm. Pulled out the mower to take care of all the weeds and dandelions that were all over the place. Threw the bagger on to collect everything, and throw it into the compost pile. The issue with the drive motor controller was even worse starting out, than usual. Will be ordering a new one before the spring hits. Don't feel like going through another summer of this stop/start nonsense. :nono:

Pulled the tarp off the pile to see a pretty good sized ant colony had formed in there. :hissyfit: Mixed up 1 gallon of my favorite pesticide and sprayed the pile, turning the compost with the new clippings to get it all mixed up nicely. RIP ants!

After that, pulled the EXT into the driveway, to make room for clearing out some unnecessary stuff. Put the Gorilla cart to good use, moved some leftover gutter pieces and downspouts, couple boxed of tile, nearly full 5 gallon paint bucket, empty plastic gas cans, and an assortment of 10" wheels from prior projects. Beach canopy and PVC rolling cart for it found a new home too. Much of that went into the newly roofed extension off the shed, along with some unused rain barrels that had been sitting in the yard. Took some old plastic lawn chairs and milk crates out of the shed, and moved those over as well.

With all the new found space in the garage, took advantage of that and gave it a much needed sweep. Plenty of dirt, spider webs, leaves and dead bugs behind all those things that never got moved. When putting the EXT back in the garage, much more wiggle room for the doors near the wall. Not that I swung them open enough to hit things, but it's nice to not have anything right there when I get out. :dance:

Cleaned out the gutter on the screened in patio. Decent amount of leaf litter had clogged one of the downspouts. Since I had the sprayer out, put some weed killer in it and hit all of the cracks between the pavers. Most of the weeds were still pretty small and barely noticeable, but there were a few that had gotten big enough to be weed whacker worthy. :bonk:

The whole time I was outside, I noticed 2 door to door salesmen who were walking around. They had hit my block a couple of times, I guess trying to catch some of my neighbors who weren't home earlier. They saw me working and didn't bother me, but something was telling me they were just going to wait until I was done, since they kept coming back to my street about half a dozen times. After getting cleaned up, I went to the grocery store, needed a few things but had a major craving for some ice cream. When I got home, they were finally gone for good. :2thumbsup:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Enjoying the nice weather out here. Got a roast to go on the Traeger soon. Moved all the vehicles at the house so I could scrape down the built up snoe and ice with the skid steer.

Went to move the pos 1999 gasser F250 and all I got was the solenoid click. Jumped it to no avail. I think a ground or the terminals may be dirty. I tapped the solenoid a few times with no change.

The other day I noticed a flat on my rez rocket Grand Caravan, the usual rick puncture. When I was removing the tire I forgot one of the lug nuts molted its shitty chrome cap and rounded it off. Had to buy an extractor, which worked great. My gutless 240ft/lb corded impact failed to remove it but my trusty 3/4 drive ratchet spun her right off. Picked up some spares at Cambodian Tire. Just have to get the tires patched now.


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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Nothing serious around here lately. We had some warm weather this week and most of the snow melted, leaving icey everything. Now shes back snowing again. Better add up quick because I am going to hit the trails regardless.

Test fitted the chains on the skid steer. Going to put a few laps on it to see how they sit before clipping any excess links off. Wanted them on the front but the chain case bolts look like they will interfere.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday was a good day. We went for breakfast with an old troop mate who is currently battling cancer. He is doing well, he is keeping up the fight and it will be beat.

Then, with another old colleague, we hopped in my truck and headed to Ogdensburg NY to pick up some packages and shop a bit. Not much in this town but Walmart and TSC. However, while at the TSC, found out that a new Harbor Freight opened there 2 years ago. :woohoo:
Before, the closest one was in Watertown. Also found out there's another one now in Potsdam. Yeah, I hadn't come down in a long time.

I mostly ogled at stuff, not making my mind but did buy a few things I knew I needed/wanted. The back probe kit will be especially useful someday. Now I'll have to subscribe to HF's emails and I may even join their $29 club. There's already a folding ladder I was thinking of getting here however it's cheaper and $40 off through the club. Dammit, I'm now gonna need a third job! :laugh:

We also picked up some hot sauces and some kid's clothes for the grandkiddies. The sauces have become stupid expensive here so I stocked up on my favourites.

Then, come home and my buddy tells me there is a 1600W inverter generator on sale at Costco Canada for $300 each. I wanted to get a smaller one for the trailer when boondocking however, at this price, I can get two and when I need higher wattage, I can hook them up and run them together. This way I can sell off the heavy 3100W I currently have for almost the same amount. The two smaller ones will be way easier to transport and quieter. I ordered them last night as the sale ends today so if any other Canadians looking for one, now's the time.

Oh, and the package I picked up was for windshield parts for my sled which I can't use due to lack of snow :frown:
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Not a whole lot going on over here this week. Last weekend had a couple of old HS friends visit, so we caught up on old times, ate and drank a lot. One that lives in St Augustine, is moving back to IL, so most of the old gang will be together again. They did pitch the idea of me moving back too, with the hurricanes and insurance issues and all. Was tempting, but the idea of dealing with snow again... I'm not built for that. :no:

While cleaning the filter on my pond pump yesterday, happened to look up at my fence to see one of the panels seeming to wave in the wind. :eek: Walked a bit closer and sure enough all 3 of the rails had come loose from the post. Thankfully the wind wasn't blowing hard enough to rip the other side loose. Drove some 4"screws to resecure it. Did notice a number of boards were starting to come loose, so I'll have to spend some time with a pocket full of short screws and walk the line.

Have been considering rebuilding the fence and using 2x4 for the rails instead of the thin and flimsy stuff they came with. I didn't have any of the assh:lipsrsealed:le vandal kids in the neighborhood kicking my fence to snap the rails last summer, so I'm hoping they've outgrown that phase, but it would be good to have the added strength when storms come.

Last day of the work week for me. It's my birthday weekend and we're off on Monday for Presidents Day so I'm making the most of it.
Party at @Matt's!!! You whipping up some batches of that apple pie to sip on? :undecided:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
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Dec 2, 2011
Not a whole lot going on over here this week. Last weekend had a couple of old HS friends visit, so we caught up on old times, ate and drank a lot. One that lives in St Augustine, is moving back to IL, so most of the old gang will be together again. They did pitch the idea of me moving back too, with the hurricanes and insurance issues and all. Was tempting, but the idea of dealing with snow again... I'm not built for that. :no:

While cleaning the filter on my pond pump yesterday, happened to look up at my fence to see one of the panels seeming to wave in the wind. :eek: Walked a bit closer and sure enough all 3 of the rails had come loose from the post. Thankfully the wind wasn't blowing hard enough to rip the other side loose. Drove some 4"screws to resecure it. Did notice a number of boards were starting to come loose, so I'll have to spend some time with a pocket full of short screws and walk the line.

Have been considering rebuilding the fence and using 2x4 for the rails instead of the thin and flimsy stuff they came with. I didn't have any of the assh:lipsrsealed:le vandal kids in the neighborhood kicking my fence to snap the rails last summer, so I'm hoping they've outgrown that phase, but it would be good to have the added strength when storms come.

Party at @Matt's!!! You whipping up some batches of that apple pie to sip on? :undecided:

And meat pie!
No apple pie or meat pies...Old Fashions right at the moment because I'm getting bougie.

But I actually do need to make both here shortly.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I hear ya. Although I'm delivering parts this and next week, going back to shuttle duty after will be boring AF because it has been slow in service since after the holidays. And our current manager is a dick. I need find another job so hopefully that will be soon. At least delivering parts gets me away from the BS for a while.

At least it's snowing here right now, calling for 5-10 cm (2-4 inches). Not holding my breath though as the predictions are usually off and it may still not be enough to reopen the trails as we lost pretty much everything we had before. Even if they do open, I'm stuck working because I'm filling in delivering parts till the end of the month :frown:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Just clicking along here. Applied for that promotion but ended up not validating on some of my paperwork. Still hope but will keep plugging away.

Picked up some nice roses for my wife yesterday. Of course my wife out did it, got me a cordless 1/2" drive impact. I've wanted one for years but the Ukrainian in me said no. Its similar weight to my old one but smaller size. It also has 110ft/lb more torque. I could stall out then old one from time to time.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Work today. Finished a little early as there were no more parts to deliver for today so when I got home, replaced the windshield on the sled just in case the trails open :eyebrowhuh:

This is a shorter version than the original. Wanted to try that and it will also eliminated the problem of the windshield hitting the trailer cover when closed. I'll see what the wind protection is like when I get to ride it.

Here's a shot with the original windshield.


Does make it look more sporty.


Jan 26, 2013
I saw something yesterday that may help those of us who are vertically challenged (aka short on one end) that is very clever. I had filled up my truck with fuel and then walked into the convenience store. I wanted to check my oil level on my truck but wanted to give the oil a few more minutes to drain before checking. Upon walking out of the store a man was checking his oil, but he was standing on the sidewalk with his truck on the parking lot. This truck was pulled up to the sidewalk at the front of the store with his front wheels touching the curb. With him standing on the sidewalk this "made" him around six inches taller than he normally would be (in relation to the truck height) making it easier to reach the dip stick. Effectively he had a 6-8" step to help him reach the dipstick. Way to simple! Funny to me he had the same dodge truck and about my same height, but I told him what a clever way to assist in reaching the dipstick that I had never seen before.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
We got coyotes coming to close again. Its either a wolf or a hybrid coming around. Walks right past our vehicles parked in front of the house. I haven't seen him but his paws are massive. The other day I saw what I thought were coyotes a couple hundred meters past our drive, sitting on the hill watching the neighbours cattle. They were grey, not tan or brown and they were big.

Then my wife calls me to say that a yote is wandering past the paddocks, at 2pm of all times. I snuck out and got a good sight picture as he hid behind some windbreak. The .308 blew out his chest. The bastard was decent sized, heavy, mangey but his feet were half the size of the big guy.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Today was a day off for Family Day. Loaded up the sled on the trailer and headed west with the TB (the Sierra was with wifey at the family's acreage). That was the only way I could get some riding in as the trails around here were still closed. Drove an hour, unloaded and went. The trails were actually in pretty decent shape. Not a lot of snow and not all the trails were open, and those that were, all were the old railway beds so it made for some long, straight, flat and fast riding, which can get boring after a while. Rode a total of 200km.

The new shorter windshield is not to my liking. The wind hits me right in the helmet causing horrendous wind noise at anything above 70km/h. Ear plugs made it worse. It wasn't so bad with my old full height windshield. Either I'm gonna have to figure something out or I'll have to change the windshield again. Man my tinnitus is really bad tonight :frown:

Back to delivering parts tomorrow :worried:

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