Scored a Tech2


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Jul 22, 2015
A real honest-to-goodness one, too, waiting for me on local Craigslist. Asking $500; I offered $400, and he accepted.
I need to go to the bank and schedule a time w/ him for pickup (and I asked him to demo it on the Voy).

CANdi module comes with it, and assoc'd cabling. Updated through 2013 MY

Anything else I should look for / be wary of?

(and yes, I'll now join the people w/ a Tech2 'for hire'...) :wooot:
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Nice! But you have to be sure it's a real Tech 2 and not a clone at that price. If it is a clone, you can deal him down to less than half that price.

Another telltale is the self test boot up message that is cutoff halfway to the side instead of being centered in the middle. Finally, if it reboots during cranking, it's a clone.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Yes... make sure you meet in the parking lot of a familiar place of your own choosing. A few years back... an eldely Pasco County couple placed an add in the Pasco County area “Craig’s List the Old Man’s vintage Pick Up Truck. The ‘Buyer’ showed up and in the aftermath... the best re-construction of the double murder was that their killer wanted to take the truck for a Test Drive and a fight broke out that resulted in both people being shot to death. Other similar cases involving Real Estate sales people being robbed or worse inside vacant houses. Don’t let the seller sit in the truck...and if he asks to do so... get very suspicious. Better Safe than Sorry... so if do not know the seller personally tell him to take an image of his Driver’s License and send it to you ... if he won’t... well... Caveat Emptor... Keep Your Wits about you..


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Jul 22, 2015
I'm back (safely, @MRRSM ... thanks for the safety tips - appreciated - but it's not my first time at the CL rodeo) :tiphat:

Yes, folks, this is a real deal Tech2 - at least the main unit is (DAMN, is it HUGE!). It has the code on the inside of the data card slot, screen boots w/ no issues, and it remains connected when the vehicle is started. You can also see it's got some decent (but not excessive) wear on it; mostly on the 'down' cursor / enter / exit buttons up top. Guy said he was a retired GM tech, and you could tell he knew what he was doing with the thing as he demo'd it on the Voy. Nice guy. And he drove a Tahoe... :laugh:

According to the video clip Mooseman sent, the CANdi *might* (?) not be legit - I looked at the female connector just now, and the pins don't especially look like silver / aluminum to me, plus they're recessed more, like the clone version that was on the video. But the main unit is legit & good to go; I'll check the CANdi unit again later, when I'm in the garage and have more light. No case, and no CD-ROM - but for the price, that doesn't upset me.

Now to start learning about how to use this thing (the menus are no problem; I know some things have to have a subscription purchased (?) in order to do them (e.g.; certain programming functions) - ? Short term subs are available. I was on the GM techconnect site, and they promote a free manual download...somewhere...LOL

Finally, for anyone in N. IL / S. WI - next time you need the services of one of these, send me a PM!
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Congrats! You could get a Chinese card with the latest updated info which will bring you up to 2014. For the CD/software, look in my tis2000 thread where I have a download link for it. That will be essential if you want to update modules and such as well as getting security access.
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Jul 22, 2015
For the CD/software, look in my tis2000 thread where I have a download link for it.

D/L'd and installing now - thanks!
Oh, and I did find an online copy of the entire Tech 2 user manual, as well as the CANdi manual. Now to find time to read through all of it :book:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
There's a manual for the CANdi? Link please :biggrin:


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Jul 22, 2015
Link, shmink... :biggrin:

Let me know when you've got it, and I'll remove it to save space on the GMT server.

(on edit - file has now been removed, but Mooseman is putting it on his file share, as referenced above)

(I actually forgot where I d/l'd it from last night - it was a reliable site, though. I can search my browser history if you want the link).

If you like this, I have some other files as well... OBPA user guide (whatever that is), and two or three Tech2 user guides (all are PDF)

Finally, I think these may be 'older' documents, when the Tech 2 was newer. If they're useless due to supersedence by a later version, I'll see if I can find newer ones.

There are some YT videos as well (although the 17min GM training film wasn't worth the time, IMO)
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Got it. I have a bunch of others including a scanned copy of an official GM Training Manual. I'll probably host them on my site same as the service manuals.

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