New (COMPLETE KIT) "GYMKO" GM Tech 2 Scan Tool


Dec 20, 2011
China Car Diag sent me another message, offering to ship another one out for just the shipping costs of $35.00

My reply to them was that I didn't realize that a package shipped by them could be seized by US Customs, and I am going to do nothing until I get something in writing from US Customs about this.

It was actually the truth, my whole point in buying this device was that it could diagnose both my older 06 trailblazer and my newer 17 silverado. Honestly who knows what can be a counterfeit and what isn't? I have a feeling the end result of this is that I will be out the 200 bucks. Which I guess could be worse.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
The Tech 2 will not work at all on anything 2014+

Yes, better to wait. Wouldn't want to possibly double your troubles. Only way I would see possibly getting it without raising the attention of the border boys is to have it sent without any stickers or CDs or anything identifiable as a brand name and on the waybill just put diagnostic tool. Still running a risk though.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
I found another a seller from inside the US. He stated that no activation key/code was needed. I thought the TIS2000 software or the Tech 2 itself required an activation key?


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Tis2000 laptop software requires either a crack or a USB dongle to use it.
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Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Tis2000 laptop software requires either a crack or a USB dongle to use it.
Well, I might just buy that one then, it's only like $320. If the Tech 2 doesn't require any keys, then I'll order the Tech 2. That way if the TIS2000 doesn't come cracked/with key, then I'll just order the TIS2000 separately, from China/online. TIS2000 with dongle only seems to cost $10-$20.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
More than likely, it will come with the tis2000 CD. Might just need the dongle or crack as well as a Windows XP machine unless you can run a VM like @southsidesmoka 's thread.
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Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Yeah, there's no mention of a dongle, or if it comes with a key or not. It's a chance I'm willing to take. I have an old Windows 7 computer that can probably still run VM. If not, I can figure that stuff out, I was just making sure I didn't have to worry about any activating with the Tech 2. Thanks Mooseman.

I need to get that Tech 2, Starter, and alternator purchased and then I'll for sure by a membership on here. It's just been a non-stop mess with parts on this thing, lol.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
So, I bought a Tech2 from ebay for $350. It didn't come with the dongle for the TIS2000 software, so I had to order that separately. It's shipping from California and it's supposed to arrive on April 5th.

At this point, I don't even care that I paid a little more than getting it from China. At least I know it's going to arrive. It says that it's shipping from China, but the item's location says NY.

I was slightly worried about it shipping from China. Shipping has started though and it says that it's shipping via UPS from California. I put the link to the ebay item below, if anyone is interested in purchasing from there. You should wait until I actually receive the scanner though.

Tech2 Location.JPG

OBDII OBD2 Diagnostic Scanner Auto Scan Tool Code Reader Fit for GM SAAB

I'll post again after I have verified that package contents and test the scanner out.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Well the item description is in Chinglish. Funny that it says it supports only cars, not trucks??? The listing is very ambiguous saying it's in NY but shipping from Hong Kong, and the pic says "US Stock". And now you're saying it's shipping from CA?

Where did you get the dongle from?


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Yeah, it was a little sketchy and I really rolled the dice on that purchase. Ebay is really great with returns in respect to how things are listed though. Worst case I could just return through Paypal, I think. Counting on ebay to be my safeguard on this purchase though.

I bought the TIS2000 w/dongle and the serial to USB adapter from ebay as well, shipping from china. Shipping from the US cost three times as much.

So, I'll have to wait an extra week or so to be able to use the TIS2000 software.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Tech2 was delivered today! Now I have to sit at work for 2 1/2 more hours... So much work is not going to get done now, lol.

I'll be testing it as soon as I get home though. Still waiting on that serial to usb adapter though, so no programming tonight. Hopefully the adapter shows up today as well. It's not supposed to be delivered until Monday though.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Seems to function well. I got the serial to usb adapter yesterday evening, so I haven't run any programming tests yet.

I was trying to read some codes and run some tests on my parents 2008 GMC Sierra HD. It asked which series the truck was, with no note of RPO options to look for. The options were just two digit numbers and "series" (ex: 32 series). It was not asking for a series in the 1500-2500 aspect. Does anyone know what series it's asking for and/or how to figure it out?


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Might need to pose this question in its own thread. I know I have had to use trial and error to find them. For example, for TB's, found out it's S series.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
This is an interesting piece of New Information on modifying the 'innards' of the Logic Board of the Tech 2 as a Hardware Upgrade that I have never seen before it may or may not be relevant to your 2008 Truck situation:

It may be that the “End Of Year” Date of Manufacture during 2008 makes a real difference as to whether some changes to the CAN aspect for the TTL communications will work ...or not. If this turns out to be relevant on the solution side... please check the DOM on your vehicle and provide that Date for consideration in your reply.

This isolated post from another GM Truck site might also prove interesting if the TTL Chip being discussed for an inexpensive R&R Upgrade has anything to do with the 2008 Truck as well. The Poster in this screen print is relating that HIS Truck is a 2005 flavor. If your intention is merely to read LIVE DATA on the 2008 Truck and you have no plans of conducting either PCM PASS-THRU Software Updates or performing any Installation of New Modules... then you might try fudging the Tech2 Entry Data on the 'Year of Manufacture' and see if it will work on say... a “2007”:

Refer to this link to Hot Link over to the highlighted links shown in the attached image for additional reading that may prove helpful as well:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
At Post #180 for @Mooseman and again at Post #181 for @m.mcmillen... The mention of the subject concerning the "End of Life" utility for the "GYMKO" Tech 2 Clones for Newer Rides should prompt those who own Later Model Vehicles (After Year 2013) to consider getting an MDI or some Later Version of the New Scanners that use a Laptop and and ACDelco Subscription Software rather than the Older Tech 2 Technology.

THIS Video from DrShock gives a very good overview of the MDI Chinese Flavors of the MDI with an Un-Boxing, Examination and Set Up of How to Use the MDI System. If @m.mcmillen agrees... perhaps a New Thread that is less cluttered than mine to address this as a New Topic would be in order... This Superb Video would be a great way to start this New Topic:

...and here is DrShock Running an Actual Diagnostic Update using the same New MDI Clone on a GM Vehicle:

...and as mentioned during the First Un-Boxing Video... DrShock shows How to Repair the RJ-45 Problem on the MDI Clone Units:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@TollKeeper ... Check out @Mooseman 's Post #5 at the Link below for Better Information and The Answer to your Question in Post #176 here concerning Using the "GYMKO" Tech 2 and Over-Writing the VIN for the Radio:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@m.mcmillen... Here is another reason why having a separate and distinct MDI Scanner Thread created by you concerning these scanners would be helpful in isolating the MDI Topic from the "over-burden" present in this "GYMKO" Clone Thread:

This morning I received this PM from @gmcman posing Questions about the Choice between Purchasing an MDI versus Buying a GM Tech 2 Clone. Since I have no direct experience with the MDI Units... I steered him towards you for such advice. These are all the more reasons why someone with your experience is better qualified to offer help and deserving of a having New MDI Scanner Thread created:

Hey...have a question on the Tech 2. I see there's a MDI version now which is PC based, but I still think the Tech 2 has a lot to offer...unless I'm thinking this incorrectly.

Just curious as to where I should look for a good Tech 2 clone and what options to get.
This is for my Envoy.
Any input appreciated.

Hello Doug...

Your Questions and my Responses are probably best exchanged if done out in the Open Forum so that many others will benefit from your inquiry...

If you are planning on either trading in your Envoy or purchasing a Newer GM Vehicle later than 2013, the Chinese MDI Knock-Off will extend the use and ease of working with the Later Model Vehicles. If you are strictly keeping the earlier years... the GM Tech 2 Clones sold at will be adequate. Visit there and use the search string "Tech 2 G-M" as well as searching for a "Tech 2 Dongle" AKA Hawk" (HWK) Hard Ware Key needed for use with the TIS2000 Software on a Legacy Laptop that has Windows XP Pro and a TRUE (9) Pin Serial Port.

There are quite a few Chinese Companies that sell these Clones...but there are only two in-land manufacturers of the Logic Boards (The Guts) and with some variations... All of the Chinese companies (like KingBolen for example) that sell the Clones that will vary in the quality of their Surface Mounted and Add-On interfaces like the VCI Board, Video Board and the S/S RJ-45 Jack, etc. I lucked out and mine was the Bosch Vetronix flavor and mine came with a Plastic Carry Case that has become quite scarce.

What you are looking for are the companies that provide a Large Count of Sales and Positive Comments, so you can get a better idea of the Quality of what they are selling and the level of Buyer Satisfaction, World-Wide. There is really no other way of knowing what will come to your door. But those ratings are an important marker for you to consider. Please read the "GYMKO" Thread I have posted in the Tech 2 Forum from Top to Bottom because it follows EVERYTHING in the way this process happens from start to finish. Before you 'pull the pin' and make the purchase... please consult with @Mooseman and @m.mcmillen about this subject "The Legendary Mac" can advise you better on the use and utility of the MDI Unit.

This purchase demands that you steep yourself in the experiences of others by reading all of the "stickyed" posts if possible. I have tried to be as comprehensive as possible and not skip or miss anything important in these posts... so as difficult as it will be to slog your way through them... the data contained therein may help to keep you out of trouble. Hope this helps... and Good Luck with your decision.

And here is another On Topic Video on How to Use the MDI that could be moved along with the other MDI Videos I last posted that would better serve to be moved by a Mod over to a New MDI Thread...if, based upon your experience, you would be so kind as to create one. :>)

Software Set Up of a Chinese MDI Use on a Chevrolet 1998 K-1500 Work Truck:



Dec 12, 2011
Your Questions and my Responses are probably best exchanged if done out in the Open Forum so that many others will benefit from your inquiry.

No worries.... I PM'd Mooseman at an earlier time as well, he also mentioned the MDI, I was curious to your experience but again, answering in the forum is fine...if if can help others who likely have the same inquiries... by all means.

I do want to keep the Envoy for as long as I can, as well as look for something from at least 2013 or newer.

The Tech 2 is nice as it's a portable single unit. I will look into the MDI more also.
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Apr 29, 2016
Here is a thread I started a while back. It has some screenshots from both GDS2 and Tech2Win. As far as the Chinese clones go, I haven't used any of them so I don't know how well they do or do not work. I've only used the ones made by drew tech.

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Dec 20, 2011

I got my letter of seizure from customs. It looks like the problem is a trademark violation since it apparently has GM on it. It's kind of a standard seizure letter I guess with different options you have, even the chance to sign something and abandon it, or do nothing. It's kind of a scary letter however. I'm not signing anything, I think if I sign something it's an admission of guilt. If I don't reply back they will just assume I am abandoning it. The declared value was exactly what I paid for it, about $200. There was no letter of civil penalty with it, and I haven't received one yet. Technically, I could get in trouble over this, even needing a lawyer if somebody wants to set an example about this. Most likely I will never hear anything more about this, since it was just a single device. Right now I just have to wait a few 30 day waiting periods, there is a process to this. The company itself first offered to send another one with a small shipping charge, and when I said I wanted a refund they offered to ship one for free, using a different carrier. At this point, I am just crossing my fingers and hope nothing comes out of this. I did however file a claim with paypal since the package wasn't received, and got an immediate response asking if I want another product or a refund, which I chose refund. So we will see what happens. If paypal doesn't work I will contest it with the credit card that was used in paypal. From what I have read, DHL packages are more prone to being pulled for customs inspections, just an FYI. Also my package was shipped from hong kong, not china, so even not being shipped from china caused it to be seized. I would like to post the letter from customs but I already am sharing too much. All I can say is that you can go to a multitude of websites and order gm diagnostic devices, it is impossible to tell if you are buying a real or counterfeit device. I am probably on a watch list now for shipments from out of the country.

Here is a link about a news article and GM suit against diagnostic makers:

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Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
The GM stickers were ON the tech 2? That's odd... I'd request a picture. They could have put the stickers on at customs I guess too... Did the sender say anything about the stickers?

Are you going to try and order another from them or anyone else?


Dec 20, 2011
The GM stickers were ON the tech 2? That's odd... I'd request a picture. They could have put the stickers on at customs I guess too... Did the sender say anything about the stickers?

Are you going to try and order another from them or anyone else?
I expanded on my answer, I hit reply by accident and then see I already had a reply. I don't know if it was stickers or paint or however GM was on there, I never received it. Sender never mentioned it when I said I think the problem is GM on it, and no I learned my lesson.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
"China Car Diag sent me another message, offering to ship another one out for just the shipping costs of $35.00"

I would suggest avoiding any further entanglements with US Customs by NOT challenging or antagonizing them with any righteous indignation, lest you wind up on some In-House Sh*t List .... and instead, pose those same Questions mentioned by @Maverick6587 over to the China Car Diags Company and get them to send you another Tech 2 Clone, only if they will confirm that the NEXT one will NOT have any of the GM OEM appliqué Stickers directly attached to the Body of the Tech 2 Clone. Additionally, you should insist that they must be willing to Honor the Original Transaction and essentially send you a Brand New Replacement in exchange for you only having to pay the $35.00 S&H Fee.

Also, consider Scanning the Customs Document you received and after Blacking Out your Name, Address and any other identifying personal information and attach an image of that Document to your Emails during your next contact with them, so they can see in Black & White how and why this Sale Went Sideways. YOU have done NOTHING Wrong... and cannot be faulted for actions taken by an overseas based company... but like any other pile of manure dropped down in your path... moving it around with agitation will only make things worse. Arguing with anyone in U.S. Customs would be tantamount to taking a Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat to the side of a Giant Paper Wasp Nest.
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Dec 20, 2011
"China Car Diag sent me another message, offering to ship another one out for just the shipping costs of $35.00"

I would suggest avoiding any further entanglements with US Customs by NOT challenging or antagonizing them with any righteous indignation, lest you wind up on some In-House Sh*t List .... and instead, pose those same Questions mentioned by @Maverick6587 over to the China Car Diags Company and get them to sending you another Tech 2 Clone, only if they will confirm that the NEXT one will NOT have any of the GM OEM "applique" Stickers directly attached to the Body of the Tech 2 Clone. Additionally, you should insist that they must be willing to Honor the Original Transaction and essentially send you a Brand New Replacement in exchange for you only having to pay the $35.00 S&H Fee.

Also, consider Scanning the Customs Document you received and after Blacking Out your Name, Address and any other identifying personal information and attach an image of that Document to your Emails during your next contact with them, so they can see in Black & White how and why this Sale Went Sideways. YOU have done NOTHING Wrong... and cannot be faulted for actions taken by an overseas based company... but like any other pile of manure dropped down in your path... moving it around with agitation will only make things worse. Arguing with anyone in U.S. Customs would be tantamount to taking a Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat to the side of a Giant Paper Wasp Nest.

Agree 100% on the customs remarks, that route will just end up costing money, as in lawyer money. Also I'm pretty sure the shipper is made aware of a customs seizure automatically as well. They did end up offering to send another one free via different carrier, but I'm going the refund route.
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Dec 12, 2011
Daggone...sorry to hear about your problems with the transaction. I can't see how you would be on the receiving end of any litigations as you were purchasing someone else's product. I see the seller having to deal with the repercussions but that's just my $.02.
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Dec 12, 2011
Well, after reading this...a good part of me wants to get the Tech 2 mainly for portability and skip the laptop MDI setup for now. However... I don't mind finding a decent used laptop and dedicate it for the vehicles.

We also have a 2014 Highlander which has me on the fence as I could surely use the newer interface.

Tough call.


Dec 20, 2011
I ended up having to dispute with paypal, it took some time but worked out:

We reviewed the information regarding your case(s) and have decided in your favor.
We credited the full disputed transaction amount of $199.00 USD to your PayPal balance or payment method you used to complete this transaction.

Funny thing is I offered to take a refund from china car diag, minus a reasonable shipping fee, and heard nothing from them. So disputed with paypal and got every penny back. Haven't heard a peep from customs so I'm hoping that things are resolved. I did see the report on the national news that this is happening all over, they have warehouses full of confiscated items. So use a US shipping origination for those thinking of this.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Without knowing what your intentions are going forward... and given that you seek to use a purchase and shipping procedure that is more likely to be a "Stateside" arrangement...You might check out some of the "GYMKO" Tech 2 Vendors that Amazon is working with to achieve your purchase... if you still have enough interest after this first debacle. Their pricing seems within the same ballpark, too and based upon personal experience... Amazon is a lot easier to deal with when any problems arise:



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
For some reason, I missed the responses here for the last month or so.

I would view this as a warning to anyone in the US to not order any branded clone tools from anywhere outside the US as Customs are obviously being used as the brand owners as their free enforcers.

When I got my Tech 2 a few years ago, all the stickers were loose and not applied to the tool or parts. This could have been a tactic to attempt circumventing the branding laws. This may not work anymore. If anyone still wants to try and import one of these, you should request that all stickers and CD's be left out and that there be absolutely no reference to Tech 2, CANDi, Vetronix, GM, Bosch, etc. either inside the package or any document.

I did read a couple of cases where people had their tools seized by customs and were fined hefty amounts even after abandoning the property. The reason being that it was alleged they knew they were fake clones and chose to order them anyway. As the importer, they are held responsible.

What burns me is that they are not producing the real Tech 2 anymore and thus, are not losing any revenue from lost sales, except for people not having to go to stealerships to get stuff done.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
And this just in for you guys south of the border, the US has just slapped a new 25% tariff on all goods from China. This will affect the price on these unless they are current stock already in the US. You're basically gonna get slapped with a additional $75 bill on a $300 price, courtesy of CBP, unless they outright seize it as counterfeit.


Dec 20, 2011
Thanks for the replies, at the very least I am going to wait a few months until all this sorts out. I think I will be getting a couple more letters from customs after some 30 day waiting periods but who knows. Maybe in the future I will post my customs letter. My comment about buying stateside was really just a warning to anybody else not to order something unless you could get it shipped from us soil. For me I'm just in a holding pattern, probably permanent.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
All of us appreciate your frustration, Brother...

"Once Burned... Twice Shy...."

However... the recent success achieved by @NJTB with his "GYMKO" Clone Purchase off of eBay might kindle some hope for others still trying to keep their heads in the game. His Post #4 shows great promise because his chosen eBay Vendor shipped his Kit from California and he received it as recently as 3 Weeks prior to Sunday, May 12th, 2019:

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Oct 22, 2015
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As ever... I keep thinking about NOT giving up on trying to locate alternative sources for access to The "GYMKO" Tech2 Clones. As of Monday, June 3rd, 2019... This list is what comes up on eBay and ONE PARTICULAR COMPLETE KIT OFFER SHIPS FROM WITHIN THE BORDERS OF THE UNITED STATES... albeit, a More Expensive one than average at $370.00, but with Free S&H.

So for anyone who still has any desire to obtain their very own Tech2 and have Some Skin In The Game ... Please ...DO NOT GIVE UP! The Item I mentioned above is the second offer one down from the top of this eBay List.


There ARE other offers on this list that ONLY SHOW THE TECH HAND-HELD SCANNER... so if you choose one of them... make certain that you are NOT just Buying a Bare Bones Tech2 Clone without ALL of the requisite GOODIES INCLUDED!:



Aug 6, 2018
THIS is the Best Price I have seen the Complete Bosch Vetronix "GYMKO" Tech 2 Kit going for so far... and the OEM Case is included in the Deal for $285.00 and FREE S&H from DHL:

View attachment 86122

*** It would be Great if @Capote could apply the $100.00 Cost for the latest required CASE Re-Learn another $185.00 and get this Full Tech 2 Kit... Then it'll be so much for needing the "Stealerships"...Ever Again ***

Tech 2 item no. SP23-B3, SP23-1, SP23-B, SP23-C. I am confused. I see several members on this thread bought the SP23, you got the SP23-B3, what are the differences? Until I found this post


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
First Off... Welcome to GMT Nation... You are one of the few Owners of a Bravada that I've seen come through and join GMTN.

If you've been checking out the last 10-20 Posts in this Thread... You should know that one of Our Members... @JerryIrons ... has had a Very Bad Experience during his effort to may a purchase from "ChinacarDiags" due to the recent Seizure of his properly ordered Tech 2 Clone Kit. It is a bitter experience we've been trying get the jump on to preventing the same thing from occurring to other Members in need of a "GYMKO" Tech 2 Kit.

Nonetheless... Your Post on the variance of the "SP23" Kits is very enlightening and a welcome addition as New Information on these often Mysterious Kits. I'd have to say that I apparently had some Very Good Luck when I purchased mine in the "SP23-B3" flavor because it was one of the European Bosch Vetronix Tech 2 Clone Kits that included more or less ... a Factory Quality Black Plastic Blow Molded Case designed specifically to pack everything that would ordinarily arrive in a Plain Cardboard Box with all of the same components as a match to what I purchased ... wrapped up inside of separate, Clear Plastic Bags.

Prior to making any Purchase, You'll need to confirm the sub-sets of components that should be included with the Tech 2 Kit are as follows on the Check List Below. However, even without having the Black Plastic Carry Case option available... Essentially.... Everything else included in your purchase should be Identical with what I received back in 2017:

(1)"GYMKO" Tech 2 Hand-Held Scanner.
(1) CANDi Module.
(1) Packet of Stick-On Labels.
(1) DLC to OBD2 Cable.
(1) DC 12VDC Battery Cable.
(1) DC 12VDC Cigar Lighter Power Cable.
(1) AC/DC 12VDC 1 Amp Wall Power Adapter.
(2) TIS2000 Software & Instruction Manual Disc(s).
(1) RJ-45 Loop Back Test Adapter.
(1) Serial Communications Flat Silver Ribbon Cable.
(1) Tan RJ-45-DB-9 Serial Communications Port Adapter.
(5) Assorted Auto Manufacturer Specific DLC-OBD1 and OBD2 Adapters.
(1) VIC Module (Inserted into the bottom of the Tech 2 Scanner).
(1) Stainless Steel PCMCIA with Tech 2 Software ver. 33.004 inserted into the Tech 2.
(1) Blow Molded Black Plastic Carry Case (IF AVAILABLE).

Please Note that the requisite USB "HWK" (Hard Ware Key) aka "Dongle" necessary for establishing Communications between the "GYMKO" tech 2 Clone and your Laptop to TIS2WEB during the use of the Laptop for SPS PCM and Module Updates or any PASSTHRU activities Does NOT Come With These Kits ins ANY VARIATION OF THE "SPS" Sales for ANY Vendors.

This security issue will require that you make another separate purchase of a "Dongle-Software Disc Combo" involving very modest expense from any vendor that carries them on You should search on that site for "tech 2 USB Dongle" to view all of the ones being sold that WILL work with your Tech 2 Hand Held Scanner.

Please update us about your experiences with this Tool as Professional Mechanic and let us know how things progress if you manage to:

(1) Purchase a "GYMKO" Tech 2 Kit...
(2) Manage to get it to Pass Through U.S. Customs... unscathed.
(3) Need any assistance during the Set Up and Familiarization with the Tech 2 Clone.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
I took a few minutes to poke around looking for anything in the way of the "GYMKO" Tech 2 Scan Tool Complete Kits being available and THIS Site looks quite promising with an Offer for the SP23-1 Version for Only $259.00 (No CASE Included) Plus $59.00 S&H to the USA:



Mar 22, 2019
SouthWestern PA
my internet security (Kaspersky) blocked me from this site

I took a few minutes to poke around looking for anything in the way of the "GYMKO" Tech 2 Scan Tool Complete Kits being available and THIS Site looks quite promising with an Offer for the SP23-1 Version for Only $259.00 (No CASE Included) Plus $59.00 S&H to the USA:

Blocked by Web Anti-Virus

Reason: threat of data loss

Detection method: databases

I think i'll just buy the torque app, until it seems I need a more advanced tool
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I would definitely buy from a seller shipping from the US if I was living down there to avoid the G-Man.
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