Eastern Canada Check-In


Nov 21, 2011
welcome. Traitor. :raspberry:


At least you're still within our boundaries. :biggrin:

Quite the jump from Kingston to PEI! Family or job? :confused:

I've been to PEI before. Pretty, but smaaaall.

I'd love to go back too - get some shots of harmless on the Confed bridge at sunset or sunrise!!


Jan 25, 2012
harmless said:
welcome. Traitor. :raspberry:


At least you're still within our boundaries. :biggrin:

Quite the jump from Kingston to PEI! Family or job? :confused:

I've been to PEI before. Pretty, but smaaaall.

I'd love to go back too - get some shots of harmless on the Confed bridge at sunset or sunrise!!

Was overseas in Afghanistan and i met my now G/F through a mutual friend we got chatting a bit kinda fell in love over the phone ...came here for a visit and decided i would like to move here so alas here i hang my hat.
It is pretty amazing thus far dident get here till Nov so still haven't experienced summer


Nov 21, 2011
hitman said:
Was overseas in Afghanistan and i met my now G/F through a mutual friend we got chatting a bit kinda fell in love over the phone ...came here for a visit and decided i would like to move here so alas here i hang my hat.
It is pretty amazing thus far dident get here till Nov so still haven't experienced summer

Nice. Hope the fairytale works out for both of ya!!

You'll enjoy the summers there.

I spent two weeks up there, many many moons ago during the summer. I miss the early morning walks along the ocean. I think I still have some of the sand dollars I picked up over my time there.


Mar 28, 2012
Just wanted to say hi to everyone, I got the message from the other site and came here right away. explains the ghost town i was looking at yesturday. anyway i just got my 03 envoy SLT about 6 months ago so im lookin forward to gettin lots of info and meeting new people.


Canadian Mike

Dec 3, 2011
Brunton912 said:
Just wanted to say hi to everyone, I got the message from the other site and came here right away. explains the ghost town i was looking at yesturday. anyway i just got my 03 envoy SLT about 6 months ago so im lookin forward to gettin lots of info and meeting new people.


Welcome to the Nation!! Glad you made it over! :thumbsup:


Jan 25, 2012
harmless said:
Nice. Hope the fairytale works out for both of ya!!

You'll enjoy the summers there.

I spent two weeks up there, many many moons ago during the summer. I miss the early morning walks along the ocean. I think I still have some of the sand dollars I picked up over my time there.

Thanks man much appreciated...so far so good settling in Quite nice got a job and really enjoying it...were not far from Cavendish so im sure there will be some cruises through the park with the sunroof open, anyone ever out this way first round is on this guy:thumbsup:


Dec 4, 2011
Wha? Huh?
Did someone mention cookies? And a road trip?

I'm in!

How about we first go to Ottawa to see Mooseman's efan setup!

Then we go to Harmless's garage and do some mods!
PS. I hear he has the cookies!


Jan 25, 2012
Road trip??? Everyone needs to give me a couple days head start to get off the island :smile:


Nov 21, 2011
JCGroff said:
Just sayimg hi from Niagara falls


CdnGMan said:
Did someone mention a road trip?!?!?!? :thumbsup:
When?? Where?!?

And more importantly, who's bringing the cookies?!?!?! :rotfl:

Dunno. Anyplace!

06Envoy said:
Wha? Huh?
Did someone mention cookies? And a road trip?

I'm in!

How about we first go to Ottawa to see Mooseman's efan setup!

Then we go to Harmless's garage and do some mods!
PS. I hear he has the cookies!


You guys are killing me! Freggin' cookies! :biggrin:


How about we do the mods FIRST, THEN go to Ottawa?

At least then, we'd all have something to show off.

And yes, I'll bring the cookies.

Oreos for Garnet. Bran bars for Greg. :raspberry:



Nov 20, 2011
CdnGMan said:
Always good having another GTA'er in our midst... :thumbsup:
I'm a pretty lenient guy, but I think N Falls is stretching the GTA thing just a little............................:raspberry:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
06Envoy said:
Wha? Huh?
Did someone mention cookies? And a road trip?

I'm in!

How about we first go to Ottawa to see Mooseman's efan setup!

Then we go to Harmless's garage and do some mods!
PS. I hear he has the cookies!

A couple of guys were asking about that, maybe have a meet and greet. Just a fair warning, my TB is not a show truck by a longshot. It's an 02 is a daily driver with a ton of mileage, rust and abused in its past life. So you can look at my fans and nothing else :raspberry:.


Nov 21, 2011
Mooseman said:
A couple of guys were asking about that, maybe have a meet and greet. Just a fair warning, my TB is not a show truck by a longshot. It's an 02 is a daily driver with a ton of mileage, rust and abused in its past life. So you can look at my fans and nothing else :raspberry:.

IF he gets too snoopy for your taste, just roll an Oreo across his parking spot... he'll be distracted long enough for you to make a get away. :biggrin:


Nov 21, 2011
CdnGMan said:
Nah... it's all a matter of perspective...
Think of NF as the south-east region of the GTA... :wootwoot:

And all this time I always considered the GTA as a suburb of Barrie. :raspberry:


Dec 4, 2011
Jeez, I forgot to ask.
I've been in the GTA all week for training, living out of a hotel room...

I leave for home Sat morning...
Dang, I should have asked if anyone wanted a mini meet/photo shoot...


Dec 4, 2011
It would have been a great opportunity to eat cookies!

Canadian Mike

Dec 3, 2011
NewfieEnvoy said:
Road trip??? Everyone needs to give me a couple days head start to get off the island :smile:

hitman said:
Il meet yah in NB well start a GMT convoy...

Hopefully I could tag along, atleast until we get to Montreal.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Denali n DOO here from Kitchener, home of Canada's favourite Hot Dog! Alright, I'll admit it took me a while to get here from the other side, but here I am. I been missing all the fun so far. I know I met some of you at a Toronto meet a while ago. Sure glad I found you guys. Hope we meet again at a meet real soon!:thumbsup:!


Dec 11, 2011
South West Ontario, Canada
Denali n DOO said:
Denali n DOO here from Kitchener, home of Canada's favourite Hot Dog! Alright, I'll admit it took me a while to get here from the other side, but here I am. I been missing all the fun so far. I know I met some of you at a Toronto meet a while ago. Sure glad I found you guys. Hope we meet again at a meet real soon!:thumbsup:!

Now you are really close to Wildwood !!!:biggrin:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
NewfieEnvoy said:
Road trip??? Everyone needs to give me a couple days head start to get off the island :smile:

Hello to you! My best friend comes from the Rock. Cox's Cove is the place he came from. Too bad he's a Ford guy. Last weekend we went to our local store and bought 18 fresh lobsters, what a feed that was!!!! Someday I hope to get there to visit. Give us a call if you ever get this way!!:thumbsup:


Nov 22, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
Denali n DOO here from Kitchener, home of Canada's favourite Hot Dog! Alright, I'll admit it took me a while to get here from the other side, but here I am. I been missing all the fun so far. I know I met some of you at a Toronto meet a while ago. Sure glad I found you guys. Hope we meet again at a meet real soon!:thumbsup:!

I'm planning on making the trek up to see Stef & Harmless next month... you should see if you can make it - he'll have more than enough work to do!


Jan 25, 2012
Denali n DOO said:
Hello to you! My best friend comes from the Rock. Cox's Cove is the place he came from. Too bad he's a Ford guy. Last weekend we went to our local store and bought 18 fresh lobsters, what a feed that was!!!! Someday I hope to get there to visit. Give us a call if you ever get this way!!:thumbsup:

Very cool. Never been to Cox's Cove but I've spent a lot of time on the west coast of the island. It's extremely beautiful out there, great salmon fishing :smile:


Nov 21, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
Denali n DOO here from Kitchener, home of Canada's favourite Hot Dog! Alright, I'll admit it took me a while to get here from the other side, but here I am. I been missing all the fun so far. I know I met some of you at a Toronto meet a while ago. Sure glad I found you guys. Hope we meet again at a meet real soon!:thumbsup:!

Greetings good Sir!!! Glad you made it over!! I look forward to seeing you and that ride of yours again!!! :thumbsup:

CdnGMan said:
I'm planning on making the trek up to see Stef & Harmless next month... you should see if you can make it - he'll have more than enough work to do!

Wait. What?!?!? Did YOU just pimp me out?!?! :eek: :poke:

Speaking of which, which damn date did you pick (and forget to tell me about), cause I don't have you penciled in for anything....... :crazy:


Dec 4, 2011
CdnGMan said:
I'm planning on making the trek up to see Stef & Harmless next month... you should see if you can make it - he'll have more than enough work to do!

You could do what I did.
Call him up when close to cottage country and say, "Hi, what was your street name again? Where am I? I'm about 2kms away from you!" Bahawahaaaa.
Naw.... I actually booked the long weekend for the "Cottage Country May 2-4 Mod Fest!" several weeks in advance.

Actually it was fun. We both got alot of work done.
At one point though when my TCU stopped responding, I thought I may have been stuck in Cottage Country until Tuesday. :frown:
But all in all, it was good.
When you guys get there, ask Stef for the loaded Newfy. Trust me. :yes:
Or his homemade food. Both are good stuff!

I still have a couple more mods to perform, so when you guys decide to go, I'm in! (again).

EDIT: For those who may be curious. While Harmless and my truck were together in the same neck of the woods, we thought that it may be fun to continue the 4.2L vs 5.3L informal 0-100kph match that I run, except it would have been modded 5.3l vs stock 6.0L. Harmless and I were up the challange, however being a long weekend in a tourist town meant lots of popo everywhere. So no such match occured. With any luck, we'll have something to post after our next encounter.


Nov 21, 2011
06Envoy said:
You could do what I did.
Call him up when close to cottage country and say, "Hi, what was your street name again? Where am I? I'm about 2kms away from you!" Bahawahaaaa.
Naw.... I actually booked the long weekend for the "Cottage Country May 2-4 Mod Fest!" several weeks in advance.

Actually it was fun. We both got alot of work done.
At one point though when my TCU stopped responding, I thought I may have been stuck in Cottage Country until Tuesday. :frown:
But all in all, it was good.
When you guys get there, ask Stef for the loaded Newfy. Trust me. :yes:
Or his homemade food. Both are good stuff!

I still have a couple more mods to perform, so when you guys decide to go, I'm in! (again).

EDIT: For those who may be curious. While Harmless and my truck were together in the same neck of the woods, we thought that it may be fun to continue the 4.2L vs 5.3L informal 0-100kph match that I run, except it would have been modded 5.3l vs stock 6.0L. Harmless and I were up the challange, however being a long weekend in a tourist town meant lots of popo everywhere. So no such match occured. With any luck, we'll have something to post after our next encounter.

You know, as long as I'm on a day off, that "wtf is your address again - I'm 15 minutes out" wouldn't bother me one bit. Anyone of my GMTNation family members are always welcomed to visit!!

I feel we (read *I*) could have gotten more done. :banghead: That TCU issue cause us much grief and sucked up lots of time. I'm glad we got it squashed though. Having you guys stranded because of a mod would have completely sucked.

I do agree though, it was fun! There were many laughs to be had!! :crazy:

I still thank you very much for that 6HI mod you did for me!! I know it may not be much, but it's one little step in the right direction for harmless! :hail:

MMMmmmm Loaded Newfie. :salivate:

I wonder if they're open at 10pm... :rotfl:

Canadian Mike

Dec 3, 2011
Hey WarGawd,

Seen your posting in the "Here's the story" thread. Welcome over to the Nation! Much better here! :wootwoot:


Dec 12, 2012
Hello Fellow Canucks :thumbsup:

Frank here from Etobicoke

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