2012 Meets thread - Ideas/discussion


Dec 4, 2011
Can we have directions for if we are traveling SOUTH to get there? :biggrin: I keed! I keed!

Sure, I'm in. Any others?

Are you bringing samples of decals?


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
Um... GPS. :raspberry: There's an app for that. :rotfl:

As for the decals, no, I don't have any samples in my hot little hands yet. WYSIWYG though. The samples that I posted, they have the master files of.

Any custom work is quickly and easily delivered as well.

I wish I had samples, let me tell ya - but she doesn't luv me enough just yet to gimme too many freebies! :lipsrsealed: :crazy: I use them for all my vinyl though and they service a very large area out here; I know they have quality stuff. :thumbsup:


Dec 4, 2011
harmless said:
What kind of cookies you want? I'll ask the owners of the forum to provide us them as we did cross over and someone did offer us cookies... :biggrin:

Damn, I forgot to answer the cookie question......how is that possible?
I'm not sure, it's a toss up between Oreo or President's Choice Chocolate Chip....dipped in milk... But not Neilson 2 per cent milk!!!!!

I'm still trying to decide if I should bring two GMT's down or just one, let alone pick my cookies...
You decide for me....:undecided:


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
Well, first off, I don't think milk was part of the deal... Lol

So I guess you're getting Oreos.

Btw, no eating near my truck. :rotfl:

And at the price of gas, no one will hang you if you take one truck...


Dec 4, 2011
On my way! I'm in Parry Sound eating lunch! Only another couple hours to go!


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
We've been tearing up Barrie all day...

Greg may not make it... He's got... Um... Plumbing issues.


(sitting on the west side of the Applebee's now...)


Dec 4, 2011
A few pics of last night! A great time was had by all who attended!
I even got a bag of Oreo cookies! For real!

Complete album of pics HERE.

Here is the short version of the pics;


I'm loving the Halos on both trucks!

Damn! Doesn't Harmless look....um....not harmless! Looks downright menacing!

Until it gets into the snow! Here's Harmless in a blizzard!

Here's Harmless doing 70 in a 100 zone. I imagine he's gonna blame the snow. :rotfl:

Here's Harmless getting passed in a blizzard by a car! :eek:

Lol, to be fair it was one heck of a snow storm. There were periods of time when we couldn't see the road at all.
The things we put ourselves through to make a meet. Snow couldn't even stop us.
Although...plumbing issues... stopped CdnGMan. :raspberry:


Dec 4, 2011
Lol...nice. Our local meet had some windy shitty conditions too. Thought my hood was gonna blow off. :eek:


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
Ok. Now there's gotta be something said about poking the bear... Greg knows this too well. :biggrin:

The weather sucked. 70KM/H was a good clip for that weather. That car that passed me was found sitting on a center island on my turnoff. :biggrin: He was peeling a road sign off his bumper - checked with him, he was ok.

The weather got much, much worse after we split ways... I did 30KM/H the rest of the way in a convoy of other motorists who were going just as fast. We all had to stop 3 or 4 times because it whited out completely. THAT was nerve-wracking. :eek:

Either way, I'm glad you guys made it home!! I'll post my pics shortly.


Dec 4, 2011
harmless said:
Ok. Now there's gotta be something said about poking the bear... Greg knows this too well. :biggrin:

The weather sucked. 70KM/H was a good clip for that weather. That car that passed me was found sitting on a center island on my turnoff. :biggrin: He was peeling a road sign off his bumper - checked with him, he was ok.

The weather got much, much worse after we split ways... I did 30KM/H the rest of the way in a convoy of other motorists who were going just as fast. We all had to stop 3 or 4 times because it whited out completely. THAT was nerve-wracking. :eek:

Either way, I'm glad you guys made it home!! I'll post my pics shortly.

I'm not poking too hard... and You don't have to say anything. It was that bad. We had to stop ourselves twice because we couldn't see the road. That IS unnerving!
We passed Transports that had simply driven themselves off the road because they didn't stop.
I'm glad that the car driver was ok. Honestly, we thought he was pretty brave or stupid or both.
For awhile we were thinking, WTH did we do this for? It also took us a while to get home.

Anyways, we all made it home!! Post up your pics!


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
Ok! Ok! I've got the time now...

06Envoy and his wife join my wife and I at Applebee's in Barry for some food and friends action.

CndGMan and his wife are visibly absent due to him having some, uh, "plumbing" issues. That empty space? That's where he woulda parked. :biggrin:

06Envoy brought both his GMTs! THAT was cool! I think this qualifies as a meet now! :rotfl:



So, somewhere along the way, 06Envoy got wind that some higher power was offering Cookies for coming over to the Dark Side (here).

Now, I've yet to receive my cookies for coming over this way - but I've been around long enough to know better. :raspberry: This poor chap on the other hand. Someone had to help him out. :biggrin:



So I gave him the cookies he wanted. :cool:

We took a few pictures before parting ways - it was starting to get a little nasty.





This is what I put up with after I parted ways with 06Envoy's convoy. Snow squalls. Gotta love them.




06Envoy took a dig at the speed I was going when with them...


I think that^^ is crazier. What usually takes 35 minutes to travel took 1h20minutes with about 4 complete stops - where we stood - because I couldn't see past the windshield! :eek:

All in all, it was a great time though!! Glad you guys made it out and we look forward to the next one!

I'll be sending CndGMan some help to prevent him from binding up before the next meet... :poke:

(and yes, I'll post about that too... :biggrin:)


Nov 22, 2011
harmless said:
CndGMan and his wife are visibly absent due to him having some, uh, "plumbing" issues. That empty space? That's where he woulda parked. :biggrin:
Why do I get the feeling that I'll never be able to live this down Stef??? I mean c'mon... a man has plumbing problems and you can't find just a little bit of niceness in that cold, bitter heart of yours?? Shame on you!! :wink:

All in all, it was a great time though!! Glad you guys made it out and we look forward to the next one!

It looks like it was a good time... aside from the brutal weather on the way further north...
Rest assured that I'll be in attendance for the next meet!!! Damn you Stef!!! I knew I should've made up another lie instead of telling you the truth!!! :banghead:

I'll be sending CndGMan some help to prevent him from binding up before the next meet... :poke:

(and yes, I'll post about that too... :biggrin:)

Well, it's good to know that I was missed... and yes, that's the positive I'm taking away after the hell my body put me through on Saturday... :badday:


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011

Niceness!?! Lmao! You should know better than that!

In all fairness though, we feel for you. That is why you need to keep an eye on your mailbox. I sent you a "get well" card... :biggrin:


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
Hey, just lettin' everyone know we're going to be spending the day (Saturday, Feb 11th) in Barrie again.

One of the big stops will be the 400 Market (as I've just learned that it's open ALL year long).

Anyone interested in hangin' out? :coffee:


Dec 4, 2011
harmless said:
Hey, just lettin' everyone know we're going to be spending the day (Saturday, Feb 11th) in Barrie again.

One of the big stops will be the 400 Market (as I've just learned that it's open ALL year long).

Anyone interested in hangin' out? :coffee:

Damn! I'd like to go again, but I can't make it this weekend.
However the following weekend (18-19) I have to be in Wasaga Beach. If anyone wants to do anything.
I'll have eight hours of boredom while I wait for my son who recently turned 12 to take his snowmachine driver's license course and exam.
And then we turn him loose on the OFSC trails!!!! On his 1971 Olympique 340 twin.

So exactly how far is Wasaga Beach to 'cottage country' anyways? And do I have any mods for you to install???? :confused: :rotfl:


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
06Envoy said:
Damn! I'd like to go again, but I can't make it this weekend.
However the following weekend (18-19) I have to be in Wasaga Beach. If anyone wants to do anything.
I'll have eight hours of boredom while I wait for my son who recently turned 12 to take his snowmachine driver's license course and exam.
And then we turn him loose on the OFSC trails!!!! On his 1971 Olympique 340 twin.

So exactly how far is Wasaga Beach to 'cottage country' anyways? And do I have any mods for you to install???? :confused: :rotfl:

Wasaga Beach is about 54 minutes from "me".

Don't you need "snow" to go snowmobiling? We ain't got none of that out here. :raspberry:

Mods? Meh, might be too cold still. :tongue:


Apr 2, 2012
Hey guys;

My friends have a 2 day track day at St. Thomas Dragway planned for mid June along with their Neon forum, last year we had some guys from the Turbo Diesel Registry tag along as well. I was wondering if anyone was interested in coming along to (track is still open to public) meet up as well.

Not sure how open you guys are to running your DD's down the drag strip but its a good fun day and seeing what your truck can do in the 1/4 is always interesting too :smile:.

Our little '97 Neon coupe clicked off an 11.7 sec 1/4 run last year and we hope to get it down to the low 11's this year with some better tuning and some go fast(er) bits.


Just gauging interest.


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011


Apr 2, 2012
Last year it was $20 dollars to get in the door for Test 'n Tune, but it was only a 1 day thing no overnight camping. This year they have permission to stay overnight and .... etc not sure on the entrance fees (shouldn't be more then double that). There are new owners this year and communication is a bit slow.

For safety items it is (off the top of my head) >14 seconds you need helmets >11 seconds you need a cage. You are allowed 1 passenger in cars equipped with seatbelts etc but you have to stay above 14 seconds with passengers. My friend clicked off a low 12 run in his Viper with his sister in the passenger seat and the track officials told him he was not able to run his car on the track again for the whole weekend.

Tech rules are pretty basic, as long as your car is not leaking fluids / huge rust holes you will pass.

As for the Neon thing, the forum is doing a show and shine and bracket racing, the only time the track is not open to the public is during the short bracket session.


Dec 4, 2011
Sounds like a fun weekend!
Are there any hotel/motels for us out of towners close by?

Hey Harmless!!!
Wanna go and race a slightly modded 5.3????

For $20 or $40, It would be fun to see just how bad you kick my ass... :biggrin: :crazy:


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
06Envoy said:
Sounds like a fun weekend!
Are there any hotel/motels for us out of towners close by?

Hey Harmless!!!
Wanna go and race a slightly modded 5.3????

For $20 or $40, It would be fun to see just how bad you kick my ass... :biggrin: :crazy:

Great. Um. K. Scratch all my other mods... I now have to get rid of all the excess weight in harmless - and go on a diet... :hissyfit:



Nov 22, 2011
06Envoy said:
Sounds like a fun weekend!
Are there any hotel/motels for us out of towners close by?

Hey Harmless!!!
Wanna go and race a slightly modded 5.3????

For $20 or $40, It would be fun to see just how bad you kick my ass... :biggrin: :crazy:

harmless said:
Great. Um. K. Scratch all my other mods... I now have to get rid of all the excess weight in harmless - and go on a diet... :hissyfit:


Seeing as how I'm strictly mall-rated, I'll just go for the view and watch you 2 slug it out... :raspberry:


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
CdnGMan said:
Seeing as how I'm strictly mall-rated, I'll just go for the view and watch you 2 slug it out... :raspberry:




Quite right... that'll be like wathing:




Dec 11, 2011
South West Ontario, Canada
Well guys and gals the campground has been open for the last 3 weeks. We are there every weekend when I am not on a business trip and the boat is launching to it's dock at the end of next week.
If anyone is in the area feel free to stop by.:smile:


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
kenmyfam said:
Well guys and gals the campground has been open for the last 3 weeks. We are there every weekend when I am not on a business trip and the boat is launching to it's dock at the end of next week.
If anyone is in the area feel free to stop by.:smile:

We really need to go check this place out this year! :thumbsup:


Dec 4, 2011
Did somone mention a road trip?

Can we finish the mod weekend first?
Which reminds me... um Harmless, I had a question? If we use that autogoop for my Aircraft landing lights as reverse lights which you assure me will stick it in place forever, and the bulb burns out...How does one replace it? Hmmmm?

Back to ontopic,
When does people think a get together is most likely this summer?
I would imagine the location should be central Ontario as to get the most members attending.
I know I'd like to meet up with our Ottawa area friends as well.

My two trucks are almost ready!
A couple minor things for Stef to do to them first. :biggrin:


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
Tell you what, we'll look at the lights first to see if we can replace the bulbs easily... if not, then you'll have to consider a plan "b". Once I use that epoxy, nothing will ever move again short of using a cutting tool or a nuke.


Dec 4, 2011
I'm going on friday.
Leaving Suddz at ~4:30am.
I get there about 7:30-8:00am, right when they open!

I spend about 8 hours walking around and see about 1/2 the place.
I then strap down whatever hunk-o-junk I happened to buy onto my trailer and start the long trek home.
When I get home about 15 hours after I left, I peel off my socks and put lotion on the blisters on my feet.

I happily repeat this procedure twice a year! :biggrin:
Wanna come?
I can meet you at Hwy 400 and 12 ~6:45am.

EDIT: If you come, you'll need to wear comfortable shoes. I do a pile of walking that day. You'll be amazed at how fast and for how long an old fat guy can walk!
EDIT 2: Hmmm, in case anyone is wondering, 'spare parts for anything that you can think of' is a wonderfull motivator to get people walking!


Original poster
Nov 21, 2011
Mrs. Harmless said we can go on Saturday! (I work on Friday.)

-comfy shoes

I dunno if she has any clue what misery awaits her that day!! :smile:


Apr 2, 2012
I finally got details about this weekend from the club, there are a few guys going on Saturday but we are only going down Sunday Morning (1000H ETA for St. Thomas) for as right now the race car is in pieces and most likely will not be ready for Saturday anyway. If people are interested in going prices are as follows for Sunday only.

Racing - $20 (Driver only)
Spectating - $10 (Per Person)

I know it is Fathers Day (mine is trekking down to spectate) and a lot of people are going to have stuff going on but it is a good chance to legitimately give your trucks a run down the track and beat up on some (not mine) 4cyl cars :wootwoot:

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