Trailvoy (Off Topic)

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Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
Jman423 said:
I don't know what your screenshot showed, but that is not a good idea right now. Please keep in mind that VS would love nothing more than to take a member's misunderstanding of the copyright laws and turn it into a legal battle with the owners of this site.

Please don't give them the fuel they are looking for.

Sorry :redface: I'm didn't mean to help the OS

fishsticks said:
BTW Short Bus welcome to the global ignore club. :biggrin:

I'm a founding member :wootwoot: (I'm Blazin_Trails over there)


Nov 18, 2011
MAY03LT said:
I made my goodbye post last night, so I've "officially" moved on.:cool:
I'm with you, Drew. Last night I completely washed my hands of that site. What VS does with it is no longer my concern. GMTN is now my home and I will focus all of my attention on this community. This will also be my last post in this thread. I have said all I'm going to about Trailvoy :deadhorse:'s time for me to move on.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Me too except I will just keep my account there for searching purposes. Still have to refer to stuff over there but eventually won't need to.


Nov 20, 2011
Sparky said:
I removed my bookmark link to there.

I did that the other day, I can't piss anyone off there anymore so I've moved on and replaced it with a better one (GMTN)



Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Well, I know most of you dont know me, but here is my post I just made on the TrailVoy forums, to not stir the pot, to see if anything of what they are saying, is actually going to happen. said:
Well.. To be honest. A company named Vertical Scope. Who for the most part dont care about any of their users, as long as they are providing traffic to their SPAM, err, I mean ads!

Everyone that made this site what it is/was is long gone. Only a shadow of its members remain.

I would like to reference you to the new site, but some Admin will come in and edit my post, removing any links that could take you to the new home of this sites old members. And once thats done, they might ban me. So I cant..

So I invite you, and every other member here to use a google search engine, and find the new home to the people that were here, that no longer are, and their new site.

To any Admin that happens to come along, I invite you, to a open forum discussion, inbetween you, and I, showing that what you say is going to happen, is. To prove to me, and to any other member that happens along, that this site is anything more than just a revenue stream for Vertical Scope.

From what I have seen, you talk a big game (Stew), but from what I have seen, its just that, a game. I will admit that you took away that annoying Jaq/Ota.. However, much more work remains. And from what I can tell, you locking the other thread where both legitamit and il-legitamit comments were made, means that your time with this forum is done, and much of the problems that were, are going to be back because no one is here to, well, give a damn..

What the members of this site are owed will never come because you cant do it. What they are owed is a ad free site for 1 year, to overcome the ads that we were never ment to see. What the users of this site are owed is a flat unbanning of all members. What the members of this site are owed is a flat removal of all post moderation.

I own 4 forums. I charge none of my members any fee, and treat everyone as equals. I have 1 ad per forum, to pay for the bandwidth, and that is all.

I just cant fathom why you, VS/Stew think that because you are now showering this forum with all this attention (which seems to have disappeared), that the previous damage is just going to magicly disappear. I also cant fathom why, when all of the members try to tell you whats wrong, from what I can tell, you provide them lip service, a finger, and maybe bother with a reach around, when all we really wanted was some vasaline.

Please get with the program. We begged and pleaded, hell, even the site admins (that are now Banned) begged and pleaded for help, for a glint of something better, for the dust to be removed from the "Super Admins" keyboard. But alas, only after the keys were pounded out by the loud marching of 500+ members leaving was a thought even placed to what may be happening. But even that was missed by almost a week.

Show us, your remaining members that your word means anything more than just a ad/revenue stream. Dont wait a week for some meeting to happen for permission, get it done. Prove to me, and anyone else with a hinkering of a thought of staying here that its a good idea.

I doubt anything will come of it, and I also expect it to be deleted. But we shall see..


Nov 21, 2011
You really want to join our club huh? :biggrin:

Global Ignore IS pretty cool... you get to go copy all of your material so you can repost it here... and no one else can see!


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I honestly can say it doesnt matter either way.. I have only contributed one thing to that site, on a HID headlight writeup, and the rest was me just gathering the info I need to fix my XUV, mixed with the odd post of something off topic, and looking at the sexxy women in the hotties thread!!


Original poster
Mar 24, 2014
United States
TollKeeper said:
I honestly can say it doesnt matter either way.. I have only contributed one thing to that site, on a HID headlight writeup, and the rest was me just gathering the info I need to fix my XUV, mixed with the odd post of something off topic, and looking at the sexxy women in the hotties thread!!

Feel free to send me that article content, assuming you are the owner of it, and we will make it an article here.


Dec 2, 2011
Well, I'm probably going to be joining that club. I sent rbarrios a PM because he didn't know about GMTN, I looked at it this morning and it had been edited. I said my piece in 2 threads, so I'll wait for the hammer to fall.



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I doubt he will ban any more members, probably put them on global ignore, so other users can't see their posts.


Dec 8, 2011
Sorry, forgot most of you are banned and probably can't even get on to see the post :redface: blonde moment there for a minute

This was my reply to Tollkeeper
gr82bCanadian said:
Very well and tastefully written :wink:

The only reason I still come to this site to peek in to see whats happening is because I have a paid subscription (which, btw, took almost 2 months to update after paying AND about a month for them to actually renew after expiration :x :hissy:smile: When I pay for something I like to keep check on what I'm paying for, I don't like whats going on here, I LOVE the new Forum, and as time goes on I'm sure I will see this site less and less :coffee

Not sure if he's replying to Tollkeeper (pretty sure he is) or my post ...

Admin said:
Stay or go, the choice is yours.

I will not however allow you to burn the place down just because you have moved to a new home. Thats just not going to happen.

If I have ban ever member that plans to harm the site then I will. This might be a game to you, however it isnt to me.

If you want to talk then shoot me a PM. Im not unwilling to talk to anyone however Im not going to partake in a gangland style beating. Mob mentality wont help get anything back to the way you want it.


either way he's know :lipsrsealed:


Dec 11, 2011
While I am not a large contributer, and do not contribute financially, with how Stew has handled this entire situation has turned me away from the S.

Originally I was open to continuing to use both sites. I recognize that all of the experts have moved over here, and with them the essence of what it once was over at the other place.

Unfortunately for Stew, I am not impressed with some of his handlings. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt .... my job is in customer relations, and I am the one that cleans up a mess created by someone in my organization. Through my profession I have learned that actions speak well louder than words, and although Stew has said some of the right things, he has also said many of the wrong things. It doesnt matter whether you caused the problem or not .... in the end the person/people that caused it represent the company, and so does he. The company made the mistakes, and it seems that rather than acknowledge a lot of issues that exist, Stew became defensive, and took the it wasnt me line and then tried to redirect anger to people who have moved here by creating what appears to be lies.

While I am still open to looking at the OS every now and then, this i now my new home. I hope that the OS can regain some of its past greatness ... however I know that it likely never will with the bridges that have been burned. Unless Stew has an attitude adjustment, or is replaced I do not see anything positive happening.

Thank you for letting me place my rant here.


Nov 20, 2011
Some one who is still over there, should mention to him that taptatalk STILL isnt available, even though HE said HE would enable it. See what he has to say about that.


Nov 18, 2011
Not to continue beating a dead horse, but that place will soon be a graveyard for the spirits of members past. I can't even get the site to load half the time, because their member padding is bogging down the server.

Talk about cash mcwooters.:rotfl:


Dec 3, 2011
I cropped a copy of a photo of one of HighVoltage's logos and used it in my avatar over there. I'm just wondering if that might be a problem.
Jeff, do you mind?


Original poster
Mar 24, 2014
United States
Me007gold said:
Some one who is still over there, should mention to him that taptatalk STILL isnt available, even though HE said HE would enable it. See what he has to say about that.

You have to understand the complexity of installing TapaTalk on a forum...

You enter a few details about your site, and add the URL to your TapaTalk account... that takes a few days, or even weeks depending on how little you know about the internet. The process it typically easier if you turn you computer on first.

Then, once you have recovered from that ordeal, you download a single directory from TapaTalk, and upload it to the forum's root directory. That 6MB file could take weeks to upload, especially if your internet service provider uses carrier pigeons to transfer data.


It might also be pointed out that we started this entire forum from the ground up, with TapaTalk, in less time than it has taken them to upload a simple folder containing some files since the time it was promised.


Dec 7, 2011
I saw this on another site I frequent and felt it had some resonance here also given what is up between GMT and the os.

"Here is the biography of Thomas Nelson, Jr., (1738-1789), Virginia, one of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence:

“Another of the Southerners possessing great wealth was Thomas Nelson, Jr. To his honor let it be noticed that he gave his entire fortune to his country when its need became urgent, and died penniless. At one time the issuance of a two-million-dollar loan was necessary to repel the enemy from Virginia soil. This full amount Nelson raised over night by mortgaging his estates. The next day his own home was occupied by the personal staff of Cornwallis. It was at Yorktown and the Revolutionary forces were on the offensive. Nelson, who was Governor at the time, visited the firing line. Noticing that the entire neighborhood was being razed by the artillery, he inquired why it was that the fire was not directed at his own dwelling. ‘We are sparing it out of respect to you, Governor,’ replied one of the young Lees. ‘Give me the cannon,’ retorted Nelson. ‘Do this,’ he added, and he fired a ball through the house. Subsequent shots destroyed the place and forced the enemy to flee. And so it was always with Nelson—America first.”"

Sometimes duty requires us to destroy those things we once loved in hope of a better future....ponder that for a moment?


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Steve A said:
I reckon im banned now, I cant see any of the forums or posts...

Oh well... at least i got my 54.75 worths out of it. I only have 2 months left on the subscription...

I should contact my lawer friend and see what I can do to recoup the 54 bucks. I know he wouldnt charge me anything for the service... LOL!

Now that would be a good one to see.

Stew reminds me of "The Family Guy". He kind of reminds me of the Stew acts on there....

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
Well I made the post on the OS about taptalk and I am waiting a reply.. not that I really care because I'm not going to use it fr the OS also due to the fact that I am being monitored now.. I've noiced some of my posts have been edited..

I've entered the dark side!:tongue::thumbup:


Nov 18, 2011
Steve A said:
I think he removed May03lt's as well, i didnt see it either.

He removed my farewell post? I didn't think it crossed any lines. Oh well. On to bigger things.:cool:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
CdnGMan said:
It would seem that I can be added to that list of those being "monitored"... it appears as though a gremlin added an extra "n" to my tinyurl-based signature... :eyebrowhuh:

It's nice to know that their pettiness knows no boundaries... :crackup:

Man do they have a soft spot for you and Stef or what? Must be a Canadian thing... :rotfl:

The rest of us get a global ignore or banned...

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
I hope this is OK, if not feel free to delete it. I don't want to cause any legal trouble. My replies are in red. This is a PM I sent to Stew.

You're right, it is our choice
Originally Posted by Admin View Post
Stay or go, the choice is yours.

Yes it is

Originally Posted by Admin View Post
I will not however allow you to burn the place down just because you have moved to a new home. Thats just not going to happen.

I'll admit I got caught up in the moment, and I'm to blame for that and no one else

Originally Posted by Admin View Post
If I have ban ever member that plans to harm the site then I will. This might be a game to you, however it isnt to me.

Your right, It's just a job to you (one you've neglected)

Originally Posted by Admin View Post
If you want to talk then shoot me a PM. Im not unwilling to talk to anyone however Im not going to partake in a gangland style beating. Mob mentality wont help get anything back to the way you want it.


It's not ever going to get back to the way I want it without knowledgeable members (You've (your company) chased them away)


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I feel like a god damned politician... Pardon me while I go take a shower...

I replied back to him, but I still doubt he, or his company, have the balls to show any more than what they have, which is nothing.

On the post I made about HID, if you are still able to view things there, it might be easier to strip it from there, to bring it here. With their no-edit feature, its spread across a couple posts because of Photobucket.

High Voltage

Nov 18, 2011
navigator said:
I cropped a copy of a photo of one of HighVoltage's logos and used it in my avatar over there. I'm just wondering if that might be a problem.
Jeff, do you mind?

Use what ever you want I have no rights to the logo this site owns that.
I still don't see the point of even talking to them about what to change or make better over there for the site.
It's dead!
Leave it alone!
This is our new home!


Original poster
Mar 24, 2014
United States
High Voltage said:
Use what ever you want I have no rights to the logo this site owns that.
I still don't see the point of even talking to them about what to change or make better over there for the site.
It's dead!
Leave it alone!
This is our new home!

I agree 100%

And on that note, I think it is time to close this one up.

What's done is done. We never meant to harm or destroy TrailVoy... we only resented VerticalScope. We have no ill will against any member of TrailVoy, and we have no intentions of causing problems over there. The representative has chosen to call us liars and blame things on us, but it is just another reason why we went on to do our own thing.

While we would like to spread the word about our new community, tastefully, we urge you not to spam TrailVoy as requested by the VS staff. When, and if they allow linking to our site, then you can continue to spread the word in a subtle manner.

The one thing to keep in mind is that TrailVoy and its members did nothing to deserve what we got from VS, and it is pointless to "burn down the clubhouse" as they put it. VS has a terrible reputation for being way too greedy and as you can see, it is starting to catch up with them.

From here on out, we move forward with our new community. There is no restriction on mentioning or linking to TrailVoy, but you cannot copy and paste content from over there unless you are the owner of the content. This goes for any site.

May everyone have a safe and Happy Holiday, even those that have aimed slanderous accusations at us.

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year

...and for Political Correctness... Happy Holidays!
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