ok tech2 and window's 10 something odd happened


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Your 'image.jpg' is not appearing on screen as a viewable attachment... Can you attempt to Edit Post #41 and add it in using the "Attach files" icon located on the bottom left of the Edit Screen? :>)


Dec 15, 2019
Hillsboro ND
Short answers is yes. And No dongle usb. I did not update to the newest drivers......yet. This is my O.S. 20.00 on eBay. View attachment 92251
You'll have to Create a Google GMAIL Account and a Youtube Account first... then Upload your Video(s) on Youtube and post the Link(s) back here. AFAIK... GMT Nation cannot store and retrieve Videos on the Main System Server. Other alternative Off-Site Video or Cloud access will work equally well via the suggested Post-Link idea, too.
The bottom row came with my knock off tech. The top row came from Florida (via eBay)!!
Tonight I installed the bottom row AGAIN and the SPS and Vehicle identification screen came up.
Not done though. Haven’t hooked up the tech yet. image.jpg


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Everything you have shown looks "Kosher" and I'm confident you have "The Right Stuff" Software-Wise for this ***Windows -10 (32) Bit OS Tablet-To-Tech 2 Set Up to work properly. If you can Start the TIS2000 from your Tablet Desktop Icon and see the TIS2000 Desktop Open and then select and run the SPS Program ...then you have done the TIS2000 Software Installation PERFECTLY.

It only remains for you to connect up your Tech 2 Scanner and first select the "TECH 2" Icon from the TIS2000 Desktop to confirm that what appears "On Screen" between your Tech 2 Blue Screen and the Tablet TIS2000 Desktop Screen ..is a perfect MATCH as you press the various Tech 2 Buttons and Navigate the Tech 2 Scanner Features and Selections.

As the Scanner screen changes... so should the imagery of the TIS2000 Duplicate Image on your Tablet. If this is what you can observe, then you have Complete and SUCCESSFUL Bi-Direction Serial Communications via the RS-232 (4 Pair Twisted Cable-Silver Flat Ribbon) leading from and to the Windows 7 Pro (32 Bit) Tablet USB-Serial Port Adapter over to the Tech 2 S/S RS-232 Connector Port!

Perhaps by using the "Thumbnail" selection instead of the "Full Size" selection for showing your attached images on each Post... it would make it easier for them all to appear on screen. Right now... they appear viewable only as "Hit or Miss". The GMTN Members and Viewers will still be able to see them in all their 'Full Size Glory' by merely *clicking* on them to blow them up on the Desk Top. Your Thread Posts will also refresh and load faster by using this selection for "Thumbnails" as well.


Correction ...Windows 7 Pro... NOT ***Windows -10
Last edited:


Dec 15, 2019
Hillsboro ND
Everything you have shown looks "Kosher" and I'm confident you have "The Right Stuff" Software-Wise for this Windows -10 (32) Bit OS Tablet-To-Tech 2 Set Up to work properly. If you can Start the TIS2000 from your Tablet Desktop Icon and see the TIS2000 Desktop Open and then select and run the SPS Program ...then you have done the TIS2000 Software Installation PERFECTLY.

It only remains for you to connect up your Tech 2 Scanner and first select the "TECH 2" Icon from the TIS2000 Desktop to confirm that what appears "On Screen" between your Tech 2 Blue Screen and the Tablet TIS2000 Desktop Screen ..is a perfect MATCH as you press the various Tech 2 Buttons and Navigate the Tech 2 Scanner Features and Selections. As the Scanner screen changes...so should the imagery of the TIS2000 Duplicate Image on your Tablet. If this is what you can observe... then you have Complete SUCCESS!

Perhaps by using the "Thumbnail" selection instead of the "Full Size" selection for showing your attached images on each Post... it would make it easier for them all to appear on screen. Right now... they appear viewable only as "Hit or Miss". The GMTN Members and Viewers will still be able to see them in all their 'Full Size Glory' by merely *clicking* on them to blow them up on the Desk Top. Your Thread Posts will also refresh and load faster by using this selection for "Thumbnails" as well.
It’s time to go out to the freezer and get a pizza before Mrs. gets off work. I must be sleeping before she gets home at 9am central good old ND blizzard time.
I will keep you up to date on my progress. My little bit of OCD bit me in the a$$ tonight.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
You do realize that you're responding to a 4 year old thread?

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